Bird identification

Had one of those in the garden a few times... swoop down, grab a pigeon's head and take off with just the head!

They must love a bit of crunchy beak!
Sparrowhawk. Have one that regularly dines on the birds that come to the feeders in the garden. Circle of life and all that.

Pretty impressive when it does sweep in and take one.
A little off topic now but still bird related.

Every spring here when a certain tree/bush has begun to fruit we get huge flocks of, I think they are fieldfares, turn up to feast for a week before moving on.

In that week, I kid you not I seen more decapitated heads and wings than you would expect:p had at least 3 chunks on my lawn last year.

It's The local magpies. Working together to take down the prey. I knew they were scavengers and opportunists but killers, no.

I've seen a squirrel fighting off 3 or 4 at once too. Circle of life. Hungry Bois.
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