Bit bored, recommend a game please.

13 Jan 2004
South East
After something to get just to keep me entertained for a bit, preferably with nice graphics, and an FPS would be nice, not really fussed, here is stuff off the top of my head which I have already so don't suggest these :)

Hitman Blood Money
Oblivion IV

So yeah, any suggestions on this lazy Saturday afternoon?
Thanks in advance

edit: even if it isnt out just yet, something to look forward to would be nice, as long as its within a month or so
trying to remember what I enjoyed this year.

Black and white 2 was not bad. Nice graphics and it will keep you entertained for a while. Gets a bit repetative after awhile tho.
Another is nexus (if its your cup of tea, bit like home world) This game did not not do great however I loved it. Great story line and some orginal game ideas. Was completely additcted, finished it in a week.

Sid Meier's Pirates aint too bad either.

Sorry cant think of any FPS.

Anyone else got any, off uni and im stuck in the house all day with the kids. Need a new game my self. Got the above too.
Unconditional said:
Tomb Raider: Legends.

Is there anything new about it or is it the same old game style (not that it was bad before just not sure I can take another one)

EDIT: you aint got HL2 in the list. Im assuming you have got it but what about episode 1?
Never got around to completing HL2 as i lost my saved game files. good idea though, problem solved, ill complete HL2 then get Episode 1.

Only problem I have, is i NEVER complete games, i get bored before i finish them, but yeah, ill go play HL2 :)
lol, same here lost my save game right at the end of hl2 and never finished it. Been meaning to do it again, one day maybe. Played 3 games of far cry before I got to the end.
Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 - ace games and you won't stop playing them until you have complete them

Oh and get Dawn of War like the chap said above - ace.
rome total war - very good rts
HL2 episode 1 - great graphics/acting
raven shield - very hard but rewarding
republic - a very different game you wont have played before
farenheit - awsome story
Here's a few FPS not yet mentioned:

Call of Duty Deluxe
Medal of Honour: Pacific Assault
Command and Conquer: Renegade
Deus Ex & The Invisible War
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Painkiller & Battle out of Hell
Doom 3 & Resurrection of Evil
Quake 4
Serious Sam 2

All of the above games are available for under £15 I believe.
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