Bit if help with a random noise my YBR125 has started making

3 Mar 2004
Hi all :)

My YBR125 has started making a noise, which i can only describe as the sound you would get when you put a playing card in a mountain bike's spokes :/ and riding with it in

It only appears at around 5-6k revs anything less and there is nothing, and i rarely ever get above 6k revs anyway as Sheffield is nothing but hills :p

I can't even pin point where the sound is coming from, it sounds as though its from the front of the bike, but if i put the bike on its stand and build up revs in neutral, there is nothing, it only does it if i'm in gear.

Any ideas? Going to take it in somewhere for someone to have a look at...just don't want to be fobbed off as they could say anything and i wouldn't really know

Cheers for any help in advance :)
speedo drive cog whirring? idk if the modern bikes have them but my y reg kmx did (itll be on the front wheel like a hub that engages into your wheel)

can think whatelse it could be
Mine did the same thing, very slight, hard to hear unless your listening for it, only at 6k revs and I could only notice it on hills. Not sure if its a common problem, never got it fixed sold the bike before I bothered
Does your brakes for ok? they aren't pulsing or anything?
Also worth checking anything like above there isn't any electrical cables loose near the front end, brake hoses aren't flapping about.
Could be a seized link(s) in the chain, though that wouldn't normally be rev dependent, though will get worse the faster you go.

The YBR has a centre stand doesn't it? If so then in gear when it's on the stand and see if it makes the same noise.
like others says, brakes, chain.

does it only do it when you move or does it do it at a stand still? if its stand still its engine related and could be cam chain, rockers.. need to get a video clip of it really for us to hear.
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