While we do say this, we must also appreciate that the times are changing..
Components these days are nowhere near as high quality as they were only a short while back.
A good example for me, is that I have a few Pioneer DVDRW Drives.. A 105 thats still going well, a 107 thats dead, another 107 thats almost dead, a 109 thats as close to dead as can be and a 110 thats deader than a dead thing thats been dead for a while.
In terms of how much use I have been abel to get out of them, the 110 is by far the least used before it died, and the 105 is *** most used, hell I still go back to it cos it works.
As for NEC, I made a massive mistake recently, with having 2 CDRW and 2 DVDRW in my main box, of various colours, I decided to get 4xNEC DVDRW drives and give my PC a treat, cos the NEC in my No2 PC is great.
I have had those drives for only about 3 months and already 2 will no longer verify disks it burns and yet goes through the whoel process of burning to create the coasters, and the other 2 seem ok, but thats a 50% success rate and its not like I have burned much either... I just have them for the hell of it.
Quality these days with PCs is the same as with everythign else... Poor. Too much mass production also means too much corner cutting.
I would be very happy to pay £300 again as I did for my Pioneer 105 because thats burned and burned and burned perfect disks since the day I got it and I am still using it, but the other junk is just that.
I think HDs are no different.
I have found WD Drives to be the worst piles of naff rubbish ever, and the only one worth looking at is the raptors, but they cost far more than they are worth for very little speed increase.
I find seagate are possibly the best, and until recently I have not been overly impressed with seagate drive-speed, however their recent babies have been quick.... As quick as my raptor for many things.
Cannot comment on Hitachi but I am about to buy my first in years after my episode with my DeathStar it put me off them till now.