UPDATE 15/05/14
I spent a lil while looking at the case, and thought it'd be a good idea to remove the logo from the front of the case a bit.
That left it slightly wobbly
so I purchased some aluminium edging from the local builders merchant (the kind used for plastering) cost just over £7 for 2 meters. This was used to build up the edges and make it all a bit more ridged.
It means the side panel that I'd just done is U/S now but hey ho. I've added a small monitor to the front as it fits pretty well and saves me having to make a panel to shutter of the gap.
The res has been fitted, and the fan grill needs to be secured (blu-tac gets a bit melty in the sun)
The gap at the top will be filled with some nice smoked acrylic that I have and will be hinged so that it opens up at the front (I'll have to figure out some kinda latch)
I'm really liking the aluminium edging and will probably stay with that look, the angled panel has a nice copper effect and that will stay, so that just leaves the bits of the case that's left. That'll be painted a burnt yellow or whatever Halfords have in stock.
I have the back edging to finish and knock up some side panels and then it's ready to break down and paint ... so should be done pretty soon, I don't have much time left to finish as it's nipper's birthday in a few weeks.