Yes, I made that mistake once, and have learned to be 'very' precise with times and dates since !Try telling them you'll meet at "half seven" and watch the confusion.
Sorry to disappoint but this isn’t a thread about a magazine for bisexuals.
Do you interpret the word biweekly to mean once every two weeks or twice a week?
yes.Once every two weeks is the answer that you're looking for. Otherwise it would have been twice weekly.
Actually it's not for annually.It's the same for monthly and annually too.
I tend not to use it and specify which I mean, to save the confusion
Actually it's not for annually. or biennial:,that happen every other year.&text=Biannual means twice a year,happens two times a year.
Biannual = twice a week
Biennial = once every 2 years.
Did You Know?
When we describe something as biannual, we can mean either that it occurs twice a year or that it occurs once every two years. So how does someone know which particular meaning we have in mind? Well, unless we provide them with a contextual clue, they don't. Some people prefer to use semiannual to refer to something that occurs twice a year, reserving biannual for things that occur once every two years. This practice is hardly universal among English speakers, however, and biannual remains a potentially ambiguous word. Fortunately, English also provides us with biennial, a word that specifically refers to something that occurs every two years or that lasts or continues for two years.
This shouldn't even be a question.
Once every two weeks is the answer that you're looking for. Otherwise it would have been twice weekly.
Once a fortnight.
That word is met with blank looks from non-native English speakers. Even some Septics don’t get it.
That word is met with blank looks from non-native English speakers. Even some Septics don’t get it.
What on earth is a Septic?
What on earth is a Septic?
MichaelScott.txtTwice a week, if it was once every two weeks that's fortnightly