
There is a YouTube video entitled "You know what's BS?! The word bimonthly" dealing with the point, albeit monthly, that is quite enjoyable... swearing though :)
If your audience is likely to be confused then I suggest you use words which are not ambiguous, like "one eighth monthly" or "the output of 14 multiplied by one day".
Sorry to disappoint but this isn’t a thread about a magazine for bisexuals.

Do you interpret the word biweekly to mean once every two weeks or twice a week?

This a massive annoyance of mine. The sad truth is that the term ambiguous and needs to be confirmed every bloody time. Maybe it mostly means one or the other, but it's not certain enough to not double check.

Therefore I avoid the term completely myself, to not add to the confusion.

That is true, but they are different words. Biannual does suffer from the same confusion as weekly/monthly, I guess because there is another word, biennial, then the common usage for biannual is taken as twice a year?

Even though MW mention here that it can still be used either way

Did You Know?

When we describe something as biannual, we can mean either that it occurs twice a year or that it occurs once every two years. So how does someone know which particular meaning we have in mind? Well, unless we provide them with a contextual clue, they don't. Some people prefer to use semiannual to refer to something that occurs twice a year, reserving biannual for things that occur once every two years. This practice is hardly universal among English speakers, however, and biannual remains a potentially ambiguous word. Fortunately, English also provides us with biennial, a word that specifically refers to something that occurs every two years or that lasts or continues for two years.
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