My bad just relised to choose Nuketown you have to go to DLC!
God knows how this is getting such great reviews (obviously paid) It really is a bit pants. 6/10 from me. I'm sure the escapists zeropunctuation review will be a good one to watch. The multiplayer is ok but frustratingly annoying. I lost count the amount of times I have spawned infront of someone and just been instantly shot. I have also seen one guy hovering around 1 shot killing everyone with a pistol ?
Tbh at £34 I feel completely conned this is a mediocre game at best. It's more of the same which is now getting a bit meh and don't even mention the textures...
I couldn't see this posted yet..
Edit - Decided not to embed it due to naughty words.
Get Out !
I had a blast on a friends copy and it just felt so crap it was unreal.
Running about like an idiot randomly firing ( and Killing ) people from the hip is not really fun.
Also the "Kill streaks" are just stupid. I've hated COD since MW2 ( World At War Was OK ) And this shambles of a game has just concreted my opinion.
Electric knife thing is the biggest piece of **** ever, just a free kill on you if it goes anywhere near, so ****ing dumb.
Did anyone buy from CJS keys in the end? I've just done it and can't launch the game in anything but Polish
So, is this worth picking up for an old school CoD fanboi? I hate the silly perks like Last Stand, Martyrdom, Commando and I hate dual wield spray and prayers, and games like MW2 made tubing so easy.
I looked through the perks list for BO2 and was pretty shocked that they all seem to be quite sensible now.
Verdict for me?
No that's wrong mate.
It would be 9 items as you need the 3 wild cards selected to use the 2 perks in each.
dunno if u can play bf3 with k&m, i dont see why u cant play cod :S
W,A,S,D - movement
Space - Jump
Left Alt - Crouch Prone
L Shift - Run
E - use
R - reload
F - tactical grenade
Mousewheel click - melee
I then use a mouse button on the side of the mouse for grenade.
Bought the game yesterday - got Mass Effect on Disc 2 instead
Tried to install this morning when I found out, how incredibly bad is this?
Not sure where I will stand on this as stores won't take games back? If I now try and download it, surely it will say serial key already in use?
I am truly gutted right now.... This has to be the worst MP COD i have ever ever played even MW3 was better than this..
I cannot play i simply die to 99% of the people that shoot at me in 1 or 2 hits....
I have an entire ventrilo server laughing at me at how much im whining.
I have no idea what they do to low ping players but i cant even react in time to even shoot back.... 90% of the time i just insta gib.
just complete horse feathers.. unplayable... im so sad raging again not even half the game blops was... im crying again.. poor me awwww
There is something massively wrong if you are getting hooked up with American players.
I just tried some more MP and laughed myself off it barely scraping a 1:1 KDR and everyone is hip fire +laser sights + lightweight marathon pro.
Servers packed full of RUS and PL players... its very low skill. I hope something changes soon but i doubt it.[/QUO
Yeah i have already uninstalled to fit Farcry 3 on my SSD.