Blackvault's office redecoration

I've finally finished the painting!


The next job on the list is the skirting board. Does anyone have any tips on how to fit this properly? I've never done it before and if I'm honest it's probably the task I'm looking forward to the least.

Watch this first

I've finally finished the painting!


The next job on the list is the skirting board. Does anyone have any tips on how to fit this properly? I've never done it before and if I'm honest it's probably the task I'm looking forward to the least.
Looks brilliant!

I had a bit of mental block on skirting but can do it in my sleep now. Cut the longest length first - just butt it up to either wall. Then your shorter bits - YouTube how to scribe the join. It is a bit of a mindf*** but quite easy once you've got the angles clear in your head. You'll need a coping saw. It is way easier than mitreing and hoping they are true-90.

To attach - I have used glue before, but in the kids bedroom I tried drilling (especially easy if its clinker) -> counter sink bit -> plug and screw. Bit of wood filler after and job done.
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