Bladerunner 2 (Spoilers!)

Given that he's now an old man and it's set decades later, that pretty much means he wasn't a replicant, given their short lifespans?
Knowing Ridley, he'll just find a way to waffle his way out of it anyway :D
Still think probably the only (known) director who has the right mindset to pull off a proper bladerunner movie is possibly Brian Singer.
As I only recently watched Blade Runner, and didn't think it lived up to the hype, I'm not exactly excited about this :p
Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982) is one of my favourite films (as is the directors cut, which is a different film) and in my opinion one of the greatest films ever made :).

I'm terrified there is a sequel in production :( leave it alone!
Wasn't impressed at all with the original - although I watched it years later when all I'd heard was "oh, it's a classic" so that might have coloured my view a bit expecting more!

Got bored about half way through tbh!
Good grief... Harrison Ford looks a million years old. I dread to think what he's going to be like as Han Solo, let alone as a 70+ year old robot. :eek:

As for the film, Bladerunner still looks impressive today, but I thought it was a load of pretentious nonsense. Watching the reaction to the sequel come opening day will be great popcorn chomping entertainment. Even this thread just mentioning its confirmation has potential! :D
Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982) is one of my favourite films (as is the directors cut, which is a different film) and in my opinion one of the greatest films ever made :).

I'm terrified there is a sequel in production :( leave it alone!

This. I think the sequel will crash & burn.
Given that he's now an old man and it's set decades later, that pretty much means he wasn't a replicant, given their short lifespans?
Knowing Ridley, he'll just find a way to waffle his way out of it anyway :D
Maybe he'll be the real guy and the replicant version is long dead. If they don't at least acknowledge it and just ignore the whole thing it will be fail.
Got conflicting feelings on this. It could be good but chances are it won't be and it will affect the legacy of the first. If Harrison Ford is returning as Deckard, the film takes place decades after the original and Ridley Scott is involved in some way it has a chance, a bit like the new Dad's Army film; the cast is so good you hope it will be better than you think and won't tarnish the legendary status the Dad's Army TV series has.

It's too bad it won't be good. But then again, what sequel is?
The Godfather Part 2? :p
He's still a replicant. :D

Not overly keen on a sequal. It's a great complete story in one movie. Final Cut is the version for me, but I do enjoy the workprint too.

It's too bad it won't be good. But then again, what sequel is?

The Empire Strikes Back
The Dark Knight
Terminator 2
Toy Story 2
Mad Max 2
Star Trek - The Wrath Of Khan
Evil Dead 2
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Greatly worried about this. Blade Runner is still my favourite film of all time and I like the way it still holds up against what is produced now and people haven't tried to sequel it. The final cut is perfect and confirms, without any real doubt, that Deckard is a replicant.
So a new story - based several decades later - with Ford reprising the role of an android that would have stopped working a long time ago....

We don't know what the "several decades" have bought, it's possible a change on the rules regarding replicants. It's possible somebody has found a way to stop the automated shut-down built into them all, but that still doesn't explain how he has aged.
If Deckard was a replicant then I guess there is no problem having an old Ford as a totally different Deckard given the flase memories of the original - I suppose.
Either way, this can only work by keeping the Deckard we saw in the original as the replicant he was, and "dying" within the next few years after the movie ended.

Anyway, I will investigae in 2017 when we'll eventually see it - but until I hear something about it being excellent I won't have too many hopes for it.
I never particularly liked Blade Runner but I saw it too late for the "wow" of the visuals.

But have you guys seen who is lined up to be Director yet?
Never understood all the fuss that surrounds Blade Runner. I've seen it twice and its one of the most over rated Sci-fi films I've ever watched, even to the point of me being bored.
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