Bladerunner 2 (Spoilers!)

Just seen that Michael Green (the guy who penned the Green Lantern film) might be writing the script for this. He's also written the script for Prometheus 2.

I think Scott has truly lost his marbles now. He had a useless writer in Damon Lindelof for Prometheus, then he goes and replaces him with someone, who on the evidence of Green Lantern, is equally as useless. :mad:

What is it with these film makers who seem to have a fetish for soiling their previous work, by making prequels or sequels that are rubbish in comparison?

Lucas did it to Star Wars with his prequel films. Jackson has done it to LotR with the Hobbit films, Spielberg did it to Indiana Jones (and will probably do it again if Ford is able), and now Scott seems intent on soiling Blade Runner memories just as he did with Alien. :mad:

My view on this is that it's largely down to the fact none of these directors are "auteurs". Unlike legends such as Kubrick, these guys will make run of the mill films and add them to their filmography without much concern. They also don't control the whole process. They need to bow down to studio pressure etc.

The end result is a compromised vision. That's what you see nowadays with almost everything. There are still a few auteur directors left though but they would never re-boot a franchise. They make a film and move on to the next one. Imagine, for example, if the Coen Brothers decided to do a Big Lebowski sequel. It simply wouldn't happen. Sadly, everyone wishes Scott was like this but he's quite mainstream nowadays.
I hope Tarantino sticks to his "10 movies and I'm done" philosophy for this very reason. If Scott had quit after Gladiator he would have an awesome legacy to look back on - probably one of the greatest. Instead he's going to try and relive his glory days with some completely misjudged garbage like Prometheus. Nolan will be next, I fear. Interstellar (while not terrible) already smells like it was directed by somebody who has lost their youthful edge.
I actually dont think a blade runner 2 now would be too bad because i think i have a good actor to be one that would do a decent job of it. If Ford came back a cameo as say the chief of police or somit would work but not as the main guy that or him retired in the film and the new one maybe goes to question him on somit once.

Clive Owen, btw is who i was thinking would make a half decent blade runner. Thoughts?
This. I think the sequel will crash & burn.

After watching that trailer, I could be wrong. But trailers these days tend to show the good bits to tempt filmgoers & end up being disappointed in the end. Still curious if it can live up to the original after 35 years. :)
Always worried when a universe expands as it might expand in a way that you feels jars with the version you built in your head.

This is exactly what happened with Star Wars for me, everything since the original trilogy just doesn't feel like it fits at all. I hope this is good because the dark gritty Bladerunner world has the potential for many more stories.
Hmm the look and feel of the trailer was good but the actors seemed like they were putting in token performances and not really comfortable with their roles. Hope they take the time to nail it as Gosling could really fit into that world with the right writing, etc.
Hmm the look and feel of the trailer was good but the actors seemed like they were putting in token performances

That's been an issue with Ford for ages now - it pretty much ruined his parts in Indy and Star Wars. His roles have zero chemistry or charisma anymore and i'm pretty sure he just doesn't give a **** these days.
Ridley Scott may be a bit of a dodgy director nowadays but Denis Villeneuve is directing this. Prisoners, Sicario, Arrival.. I've got high hopes. If you look at Ridley Scott he tacks his name on anything and everything nowadays.

That said I didn't particularly like the original so my expectations are nicely low :p
Ridley Scott may be a bit of a dodgy director nowadays but Denis Villeneuve is directing this. Prisoners, Sicario, Arrival.. I've got high hopes.

True, but the best directors can only do so much if the script is poor. The script writer for this film (Michael Green) has already had his Alien: Covenant script re-written by someone else, and Green Lantern which he also wrote, sucked.

Still, Green's script can't be that bad; it wasn't re-written by someone else. :p I think if it were that bad, I doubt Villeneuve would have agreed to direct; so there is hope that this won't suck.

Clive Owen, btw is who i was thinking would make a half decent blade runner. Thoughts?

Too late now, but yes, I'd go along with that.
My view on this is that it's largely down to the fact none of these directors are "auteurs". Unlike legends such as Kubrick, these guys will make run of the mill films and add them to their filmography without much concern. They also don't control the whole process. They need to bow down to studio pressure etc.

The end result is a compromised vision. That's what you see nowadays with almost everything. There are still a few auteur directors left though but they would never re-boot a franchise. They make a film and move on to the next one. Imagine, for example, if the Coen Brothers decided to do a Big Lebowski sequel. It simply wouldn't happen. Sadly, everyone wishes Scott was like this but he's quite mainstream nowadays.

Christopher Nolan is an 'auteur' (despite disagreeing with the theory), and he made a trilogy of films?
My view on this is that it's largely down to the fact none of these directors are "auteurs". Unlike legends such as Kubrick, these guys will make run of the mill films and add them to their filmography without much concern. They also don't control the whole process. They need to bow down to studio pressure etc.

I'd hardly say that Denis Villeneuve makes run of the mill films...however the original comment by Phonesis was made when we thought Scott was making this movie.

I'd even go so far as to say that DV could push into auteur territory with a few more films under his belt.
That's been an issue with Ford for ages now - it pretty much ruined his parts in Indy and Star Wars. His roles have zero chemistry or charisma anymore and i'm pretty sure he just doesn't give a **** these days.

He basically just shows up for pay day while his lack of interest in the film's (something he has admitted especially concerning Star Wars, really shows on screen.

For the Blade Runner sequel I would have preferred the trailer to show a deactivated Rick Deckard in a passing shot and then concentrate on Goslings character leaving Ford out of the film.
I'd hardly say that Denis Villeneuve makes run of the mill films...however the original comment by Phonesis was made when we thought Scott was making this movie.

I'd even go so far as to say that DV could push into auteur territory with a few more films under his belt.

Absolutely agree. Whilst he's not got the largest back catalogue, it's undoubtedly all superb in one way or another (or EVERY way, if we're talking about Sicario). He treads that EXTREMELY thin line between beauty and pretentiousness with his work exceptionally well.

With Deakins doing cinematography and Johhansson on the score, I have every confidence that the flick will be great!

On a side note, does anyone else find Deckard's character in the original sort of... boring? He literally does nothing throughout the movie except get beaten in almost every encounter.
Was a little worried about how this might come out but i'm little more excited knowing it's Villeneuve & Deakins working together again.
Given that he's now an old man and it's set decades later, that pretty much means he wasn't a replicant, given their short lifespans?
Knowing Ridley, he'll just find a way to waffle his way out of it anyway :D

It kind of ruins half the reason Blade Runner was such a long lived classic. RIP Blade Runner.
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