Blatant double standards regarding race & racism

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3 Jun 2005
Example 1:

This video was produced with taxpayer money as part of an exhibition at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery:

My opinion of this is that it’s not my thing, it’s disrespectful, insulting & pretty stupid, but that’s just my opinion, and I defend their right to say it. My issue is that if the races were reversed there’d be an absolute ****storm with likely investigations into “hate speech”.

Of course, as soon as people noticed, the usual buzzwords started appearing to try and make the difficult questions go away:


Example 2:

The president of a BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) group, Jason Osamede Okundaye, at Cambridge University drew attention to himself with these tweets:



Naturally The Guardian gave him a platform for his 10 paragraph excuse & victim card:

Another example of student "diversity" is Bahar Mustafa, student union welfare and diversity officer at Goldsmiths, University of London.


And again The Guardian to the rescue:

As well as using the hashtag (#KillAllWhiteMen) she was also accused of calling somebody “white trash” on Twitter, and there are apparently screen shots reportedly taken from her Facebook page that say: “Omg… Kill them all. What’s wrong with white people?”

In my opinion these BME/Diversity/Equality positions are going to attract nothing but agitators with an agenda.

Example 3:

An ITV job advertised for BME only:



Figures from the 2011 British Census and Creative Skillset’s 2012 Employment Census showed that the UK was 14% non-white, London’s population was made up of over 40% black, Asian, ethnic minorities (BAME) yet BAME representation across the creative industries had fallen to a stark 5.4%.

And BBC, so this is funded by licence payers:

BBC criticised by MPs and job applicants over training placements for ethnic minority applicants only

All white applicants later received a generic email confirming their applications will not be considered, which said: "The positions are only open to those from black, Asian and other ethnic minority backgrounds who are passionate about getting into Drama script editing."

Either we have a meritocracy with natural diversity, or racial discrimination & forced diversity. My preference is for the former, as the latter is unfair and will only cause division and resentment.

Identity politics are utterly toxic.

And before someone says "this would be better in Speaker's Corner", no, it wouldn't.
*graps popcorn*

we all know its not cool to be racist, sexist, or sectarian.

unless you're a middle class white male christian, in which case it's fair game.

i guess considering the horrible stuff done in the past we can be kinda grateful that the backlash is in the form of words and images rather than the guns and swords we used originally.

the real question is are we guilty for the sins of our fathers? because according to who you ask it seems that question has 2 different answers.
Cue another thread of people who should just get off the internet for awhile...

Those comments on Youtube are abhorrent, so that kinda proves their point already...
We know.

Welcome to the wave of toxic PC culture that is taking over. It's ok to say things/discriminate as long as it's vs white people.

Which is retarded.... but there we go. This stuff just erodes race relations and ****** people off, because even the biggest simpleton can see the double standards at work.

Don't worry it'll get worse and we can sit back and laugh as these morons regress race relations by 20 years.
Changes dropped against Bahar Mustafa when she tweets #killallwhitemen but a man who left bacon sandwiches outside a mosque was arrested and sent to prison and later murdered inside really shows the injustice in the system.
Example 1:

And BBC, so this is funded by licence payers:
Either we have a meritocracy with natural diversity, or racial discrimination & forced diversity. My preference is for the former, as the latter is unfair and will only cause division and resentment.
Identity politics are utterly toxic.
And before someone says "this would be better in Speaker's Corner", no, it wouldn't.
I agree I don't support 'positive discrimination' in any form. It is discrimination plain & simple. Pick the best & most appropriate for for the job.

It is perfectly reasonable to have certain gender/sexuality or race & religion rules for a few niche jobs & they are afforded protection under the Equalities Act. But they are the exception not the rule.
Few examples
Employing a personal carer you can specify gender
Employing someone in a rape crisis centre for women or men you can specify gender.
Employing a counselor/mentor for gay youth you can specify sexuality
Employing within a religion/humanist group you can specify religion (or lack of)
Employing someone to do reminiscence therapy with a group of Afro Caribbean dementia sufferers you can specify race.

But employing someone to fill a quota is wrong & dangerous. Pick the best/most appropriate for the job. White straight men are not the devil & it isn't their fault that there was discrimination in years gone by. When I see a woman doing badly in a job my first thought is she got it on ovaries not merit.
But employing someone to fill a quota is wrong & dangerous. Pick the best/most appropriate for the job. White straight men are not the devil & it isn't their fault that there was discrimination in years gone by. When I see a woman doing badly in a job my first thought is she got it on ovaries not merit.

Is this not just the new iteration of sleeping ones way to the top? Why, when it comes to women in the workplace does the assumption need to be that they got where they are through underhanded means? I'd be much more likely to assume it's general uselessness, lack of support, poor line management, lack of training, or an off day, and despite all the assumptions around positive action nonsense I'm pretty sure I'd be right nine times out of ten.
Whereas I assume she was having a bad day or is just useless.

I've met lots of useless people in jobs and never really thought it was down to their internal organs.
I love it when lefties lazily CHOOSE to miss the point to further their agenda. Not down to internals down to the brainless PC fool who employed someone the basis of ticking a gender box rather than on merit.
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