Blaupunkt 50/149Z 50 Inch Full HD 1080p LED TV with Freeview HD

Just bought it, if i dont end up using it ill sell it to my bro who wants a 50in tv cheap. Just hope it works ok lol.

Since ocuk isnt competing in 50in tvs i guess i can say where i got it, tesco direct. Was £250 BF price i had 15.50 in vouchers etc so got it down to 233.50. 5 yr guarantee too come next week it should be applied.
Don't think so as this is one of the deals from tesco and u could get it online so you could avoid all that crap with fights in the stores with tesco deals. Plus I think most ppl went for the £139 40" TVs at asda, them polaroid ones.
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Originally posted for HUKD but thought id paste it here since i mentioned it here too.

Mine just came and the delivery man came in some small van it didnt say citylink at all but was a grey kinda van with some icon on the side of the van. The bloke told me i was lucky this one was ok cos there was another in the back of the van that was smashed cos of the depo.

I quickly inspected mine when he said that and seemed 99% in tact just a scuff here and there on some edges. Opened it up asap and plugged it in and the screen was fine tho i have to say even tho it was upside down i didnt expect to see the leds through a very thin gap at the top of the bezel where it meets the panel/screen. Weird but meh wont hurt probs.

Heres some pics for you its the 149z model.

Hope that is of use, sorry some are a bit meh cos of the flash and cba to retake em but anyhow some pics of it.

Oh and if you have never had a 50" before, boy do they look massive in the box when ur getting it off a delivery man lol and when unpacking and you take the wrapping down a bit like in the pic, wow. My corner barely just fits it where i am gona put it.

Just unpacked mine fully and put it on the table and turned it on, i turned it on before but was upside down so didnt see the damaged part but the screens bloody cracked.


Gotta get tesco to replace it now somehow.

:( Very dissapointed.....
Hope so.

Sent off a email to em, will ring em aw well about 10am when lines open.

Gutted to say the least. Was only upside down (carefully) as came out the box iirc that way, put it on the carpet unwrapped the sleve off half way and plugged it in to quick test, looked ok from there but the top was stll covered and didnt see tho i did notice a gap at the top where u saw led light coming from but thats about it. Anyhow with brothers help we aseembled the base and put it on the desk and left it to go to mums for dinner, when i got back i was tired so went to bed, got up this morning as found a usb stick with some stuff to try on it and switch it on and noticed the black smashed bit at the top and noticed that gap at the top more between frame and the panel.

Looks like a defect to me cos of the gap which probs caused the panel damage somehow during transit.

Utmost care was taken unpacking etc so wasnt my fault in the least. It arrived like that. Should be able to see the led light coming out the gap above the black area on screen.

About HUKD, seen plenty of ocuk deals on the site so no idea why ppl dont like the site, think its mint to find bargains near u like tesco or asda or tech etc.
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On phone i got through to someone he said they would replace it they said no stock left but i was insistant about replacment so he suggested to click on request when stock is back in and to ring again and try asking for replacement then. Bit of a faf on like as i dont know why they couldnt add a note to my account saying when stock is back in give this customer one for replacement for damaged in transit.

Ah well, least he was happy enough to replace it and not question me about it much. Wonder what the email will say when i get a responce as sent that off earlier this morning.
Just saw that on the site they had stock in and no pesky "hurry low stock" messages. So i rang em up like i have every morning since sat/sun and they confirmed they finally have stock. So they set up a replacement for me and should be coming by about sat (next day delivery but delays etc).

So yey, looking forward to it again after been disappointed by the damage the first one had and the out of stock nonsense since sat. Tho i dont blame tesco it was just the whole black friday crap that did all this not them per say and i bet asda didn't fair any better or sainsburys as they had some tvs going cheap too.

Back in stock and with £20 off voucher. Tho i do warn you, buy one and prey it comes undamaged as i have had 2 damaged ones where led shines out of the top of the bezel and had to complain to the ceo to get a third one and preying this one is ok this time.

If it comes undamaged the pic is usually good and all the connections u could want and plays anything out of the usb including aac audio and mvk files with embeded cubs and more than 1 audio tracks. (good for anime lovers) Well the 50/149z could i dunno about the 148/z but reports come in that there identical so i dunno.
Well 3rd time is the charm so they say. Got the third tv now unpacked it quick test and no led light showing through a gap at the top or an cracks and picture seemed uniform with no circles or whatever but it was laying flat on a desk so might not have noticed any uniformaty issues till its upright but so far so good. Just gona wait till bro is free then fix the stand and put it up right etc as dont trust putting it from flat to upright considering the size tbh and with my past luck i dont wana risk it.

Other two tvs were the 149z ones this one is the 148z, seems identical hope it supports mvk and aac sound etc like the 149 supported but time will tell even if they dont im still gona be happy enough cos will hook up a external 3tb hdd and use a android box for streaming etc later when it arrives tho got the hdd now.

So im happy at the mo that it came ok. Lets just hope nothing comes up that is a problem. I mean yes there is a slight slight gap on the left side of the frame but no led showing through and pic is fine there afaik when i tested it on at the time. But i dont mind as long as nothing pops up after putting the stand on and setting it up right.

Really would like a proper smart tv stand for these tvs as just using a computer desk a nice one mind but still its a bit high the tv on it. Ill see if i can square a cheap stand from gumtree or somit for a tenner or so as ive seen a few on there.
Not yet.

But considering they are not going to stock them i think the extra warranty is out the window tbh. You just have the 1 year with tesco or blaupunkt and thats it. Could be wrong but i was told if they dont sell it or cease selling it like out of stock all the time it wont have a warranty. Well for replacement anyhow, u might get the extra if u want ur money back i suppose.
I emailed tesco about warranty a few days ago and they rang me up this morning to tell me i should have got a email about it and that they will resend one and it should come within 4-6 days or somit. So if some others here have issues with no email about warranty i would advise you go on tesco direct use contact us and email em about it and then expect a call back about it in a day or so.
Still no word on the 5 year warranty from tesco. :( I emailed em back in jan or feb i think i said in a previous post and was suppose to be told or sent warranty info. Nah it didnt happen.

Btw about gaming on these at 1080p using hdmi and p2p formatting.

I have a android box that can use nvidia shield kinda streaming system with nvidia experiance. I used that once to play gta 5 at 1080p using my main pc and streaming to the android box using somit from playstore and except for a bit of input lag it played pretty nice if you just wanted to drive around or not aim anything like a weapon as i usually use kb and mouse for them things tho if i had a wifi kb and mouse id have played it better i think but i was just using a wired 360 pad.

Displayed fine and played ok that way incase u can do the same if u wanted to game and have decent wifi and a android box and a nvidia card.
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