What was wrong with it? I was thinking of getting this over the dell (when my PSU comes back from RMA... Grrr)
There looked to be a speck of dirt behind the screen in the top left corner, so got it swapped.
What was wrong with it? I was thinking of getting this over the dell (when my PSU comes back from RMA... Grrr)
Thanks for all the help, today I placed my order with OC for the
Asus PB278Q 27" Professional LED Multimedia Monitor
Will let you know how I get on
Well guys been using the Asus screen for over a week now, using at the stock settings, I did need to turn the brightness down but I have not overclocked it and I must say Arma 3 looks stunning BF3 also looks good but as we are about to get Beta BF4 next week lets see how this looks with the new Frostbite engine. Only thing I could say against the Asus to my old Dell would be in regards to the stand/base not the same quality but the image on the screen is mind blowing
Can confirm issue with this, it's the first IPS monitor I've ever bought and do regret it. I have just registered it to start the sending back lottery of getting one. I know this isn't the best representation but here is a picture I took, bottom left is awful. Although in all honesty, it's only really an issue for me when I'm playing a dark game and it seems that part of the screen is so much lighter, quite immersion breaking at times.
No dead spots on the screen looks great up close no issues