Bleeding Light Issues - Dell UltraSharp U2713HM 27" - Have they been fixed

Thanks for all the help, today I placed my order with OC for the
Asus PB278Q 27" Professional LED Multimedia Monitor

Will let you know how I get on
Can confirm issue with this, it's the first IPS monitor I've ever bought and do regret it. I have just registered it to start the sending back lottery of getting one. I know this isn't the best representation but here is a picture I took, bottom left is awful. Although in all honesty, it's only really an issue for me when I'm playing a dark game and it seems that part of the screen is so much lighter, quite immersion breaking at times.

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The money you save over Asus PB278Q is not worth it, if take in the cost of your own time trying to sort out all the swapping in and out etc. when comes to the Dell monitor.
Well guys been using the Asus screen for over a week now, using at the stock settings, I did need to turn the brightness down but I have not overclocked it and I must say Arma 3 looks stunning BF3 also looks good but as we are about to get Beta BF4 next week lets see how this looks with the new Frostbite engine. Only thing I could say against the Asus to my old Dell would be in regards to the stand/base not the same quality but the image on the screen is mind blowing
Well guys been using the Asus screen for over a week now, using at the stock settings, I did need to turn the brightness down but I have not overclocked it and I must say Arma 3 looks stunning BF3 also looks good but as we are about to get Beta BF4 next week lets see how this looks with the new Frostbite engine. Only thing I could say against the Asus to my old Dell would be in regards to the stand/base not the same quality but the image on the screen is mind blowing

So whats the screen like up close any problems.
Can confirm issue with this, it's the first IPS monitor I've ever bought and do regret it. I have just registered it to start the sending back lottery of getting one. I know this isn't the best representation but here is a picture I took, bottom left is awful. Although in all honesty, it's only really an issue for me when I'm playing a dark game and it seems that part of the screen is so much lighter, quite immersion breaking at times.

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Frustrating but having had two (one had a stuck pixel) it is a fantastic monitor
I can vouch for ASUS too. Happy with mine after returning 2 Dells.

Bear in mind if you play the Dell lottery, you will end up with a refurb instead of a the new product you paid for.

And this "Place the order your supplier they might have a new revision in stock if they don't and you have the bleeding light problem then you can RMA it back to Dell and have a replacement screen sent out you can do this as many times as required until you get a screen that does not have this fault"

Although a OK response just strikes me as "we have a crap product and haven't stepped up our QC yet".
I was not happy with my 2xasus 29"widescreen monitors both with terrible light bleed and dead pixels but I stuck with Asus and got the 27 " Asus and it's great and overclocked to 85hz
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