Bless his little German cotton socks.

Crispy Pigeon said:

I want to play Unreal Tournament? I couldnt make out what the little psycho was saying, but if thats what it is, then he should just play instead of smashing his keyboard up :)
Directs Nix to the getting a slap tool !!!

I searched for German, Angry, Kid and even entered the entire link as a search option.
Nowt !!
"start the game you son of a whore" is the first thing he says.

Was? What are you doing?
I want to play Unreal Tournament! GO!
Start the damn game!
Start the game, you son of a *****. I WANT TO PLAY!
I won't say it again! Go!
Out of my way
(he throws the things on his desk away)
What is that? Oh my god, what happened? I want Unreal! I wanna play!
(He screams)
Instant Action!
Here we go
(He repeats it).
PLAY! You *****! PLAY! Play Unreal Tournament!
It's loading. If it is loading, then you always have to wait so long! I don't want to wait!
Think positive...just think positive! It will start in a moment! It starts!
(he laughs and repeats his words)
You son of a *****! Eat that! I killed him! Go, go, eat this! Eat your smelting ****! You son of a *****, I am going to kill you!
(He starts screaming again)
Oh, the escape-button is missing, where is he? Where is the escape-button?
I don't need help. ( Yeah right! )
(Then he mumbles something that I can't understand!)
I will finish you off. I will just finish you off!

(He repeats many of the phrases he had already said and then goes away!
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