Blizzard need to sort their atitude out.

16 Sep 2005
WOW is a great game. I love it. But the service provided by Blizzard in terms of their servers has been appalling. Over the past week i have hardly played the game despite actually making time for it. This is because the server either had too many issues(disconnects) or was not up.

Today is the last straw. I cancelled my subscription since they did not put up any notice of the server being down for the whole day and evening. No announcement of any kind that server is down or when it will be back up. Connection just hangs. Instead we get news that maintanence this week will be longer. Knowing Blizzard it means half the day. At the end of the day i have decided that i must play games according to my schedule. Not the schedule they try to force on me. Thats not what i pay for. Therefore little point in me sinking money into something i cant use due to whatever excuses Blizzard have to offer to prevent people playing during free times.

Does not sound like a game ontrack to earn a profit of well over $1 billion this year alone. I wonder how much of that needs to be spent to put things right?
So its still the same 10 months after I quit? Blizz will only change their attitide if they start losing money/sales.
You obviously haven't been playing for very long if you don't understand that the servers will be unstable right after a major patch. There are only so many faults that can be picked up on a test realm (even less when all the "testers" do is stand outside cities dueling), and so there are always problems when so many new features are added at the same time. No amount of small-scale testing will find a lot of these.
I think you're just spitting your dummy out, to be honest. Blizzard support are actually excellent at replying to any real problems and fixing them as quickly as they can. For the record, I have had no problems logging in today.
Blizzard are fantastic for updates and support. They still create regular StarCraft patches ffs!

WoW is a hugely popular game and the server issues are surely understandable? It's not like they should just chuck a huge amount of money at the problem to get it to go away.
I enjoy WoW but it has been a pain in the backside lately. I lost a fair bit of AH stuff when the new 'open all' feature in the mailbox triggered an 'Internal Mailbox Database Error', and had several events where the game world has locked up so i had to relog - somehow ending up at the nearest flightpath rather than where I was when it b0rked : /

Seems like they've been restarting Draenor every day (twice today) since the last patch as the instances and battle grounds keep messing up.
UncleBob said:
I enjoy WoW but it has been a pain in the backside lately. I lost a fair bit of AH stuff when the new 'open all' feature in the mailbox triggered an 'Internal Mailbox Database Error', and had several events where the game world has locked up so i had to relog - somehow ending up at the nearest flightpath rather than where I was when it b0rked : /

Seems like they've been restarting Draenor every day (twice today) since the last patch as the instances and battle grounds keep messing up.

Sounds like nothing compared to Burning Blade, its been offline the whole day and now its server downtime. I dont care why its happening. Fix it. I pay for this service to be working. If this happened with subscriptions outside the games industry they would be on watchdog and they would be in deep trouble.

I think you're just spitting your dummy out, to be honest. Blizzard support are actually excellent at replying to any real problems and fixing them as quickly as they can. For the record, I have had no problems logging in today.

Get real here. First you say there are problems then you say there arent any lol.
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Bracco said:
You obviously haven't been playing for very long if you don't understand that the servers will be unstable right after a major patch. There are only so many faults that can be picked up on a test realm (even less when all the "testers" do is stand outside cities dueling), and so there are always problems when so many new features are added at the same time. No amount of small-scale testing will find a lot of these.
I think you're just spitting your dummy out, to be honest. Blizzard support are actually excellent at replying to any real problems and fixing them as quickly as they can. For the record, I have had no problems logging in today.

LOL what were you loggin into?

We were right at the end of UBRS last night just about to pull Drakki and we get kicked and server restarted. NO warnings.... zippo. Annoyed is an understatement.... our guild isnt huge and this run was quite hard to setup with no PUG's involved.

This was at about 11pm last night and i was playing other games just to wait and see how long it would take to get the server back up... i gave up at 2am ( conveniently about the time the weekly maintainance starts).
On the webpage they said zero about it..... "everything is working as intended"

Blizzard communications with its customers is now a total joke... and yes i appreciate that its hard to stop bugs and stuff and i accept it when they have to do stuff like this but a little warning is nice, and maybe erm... ACTUALLY telling people ehats going on!

From all i could see my end it was my pc or connection acting up ( i know from experiance it wasnt me) so a new player would wrongly assume it was a problem their end. Not the best way to keep your customers.

Ps im on Doomhammer server and incedentally during the entire time doomhammer was down the status page on the forums said it was up!! ( and i talked to about 30+ people on msn who couldnt get back on so yes the server WAS down ). If they cant even know the status of their own servers and report that then thats a sad state of affairs indeed.
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I agree with the original poster. The servers have been very poor for a while now even with their popularity and Blizzard keeps blaming it on their hosting site. It was the reason I took a break from WoW about four months ago and I see that it still hasn't improved much when I re-enabled my account this week.

Last night of course were the issues with battlegrounds/instances so hopefully it's a one-off.
its the lack of information that Oi! No swearing! people off most.

generally people will be happy to sit and wait for fixes if they know what is happening and what is being done to fix the problem.
AtreuS said:
Blizzard communications with its customers is now a total joke... and yes i appreciate that its hard to stop bugs and stuff and i accept it when they have to do stuff like this but a little warning is nice, and maybe erm... ACTUALLY telling people ehats going on!

Yep, they are a complete joke. It seems that nearly any issue reported on the forums is either ignored, or palmed off onto the ISP or end user. They don't seem to take responsibility for anything! Only last week the account maintenance page was down for several days. Sod all on the news about, no updates to say how long it was expected to be down for or what the issue was. This really irked me as I was trying to upgrade my trial account to pay for and play the game and simply had no way of doing so.

Given the vast amount of income WoW is generating, the support Blizzard are providing is totally unacceptable.
WoW customer support/servers are ok, if you want to know about bad customer support look at Everquest when it was at it's peak of popularity. From my experiance all vastly popular games seem to lack customer support, weather it's because they didn't expect that many players and don't have the people or make so much money they don't care about people waiting a bit (as they know they will wait) I'm unsure.

EQ2 on the otherhand seems brilliant for in-game support, can't remember haveing to wait more than 10mins for a petition, most patchs were done on time and the servers up when they were ment to be. Of course there was a week when our server was down for 36 hours stright, but thats been about it.
Last night was the first server reset with no warning I've seen for a long time. I was annoyed at the time as we'd just got 40 of us to Thorium Point for an MC run. Thankfully the server, Laughing Skull, was up again in about 45mins so not too much of a delay.

The general stability has improved a lot in the last few months. I used to play on Bloodfeather and Aszune and we had constant, massive lag spikes that made the game impossible to play. I'm sure some servers are having problems but most were up pretty fast last night.

Whenever this happens people always take the opportunity to have a dig at Blizz and, as paying customers, they're perfectly entitled to do so. The thing that makes me laugh is that most of the "I'm not paying for this anymore" ones will be back on tonight as if nothing had happened.
Dont mind servers going down etc, gotten used to it since playing almost all the mmo's to date.

What I don't like is the lack of info and the worst server status page EVER, all the servers are down..status page says there all up....jeez.

Oh and yeah the website is sloooooooooooooooooooow. =)
I don't think they have done a whole lot wrong... would you rather they spent time sorting the game, or spent time putting notices up?
NokkonWud said:
I don't think they have done a whole lot wrong... would you rather they spent time sorting the game, or spent time putting notices up?

Given the fact that putting notices up would take a matter of minutes, I fail to see why they can't do both. It's a very simple concept - manage the customers expectations and keep them informed. You'd be amazed at how much people would happily put up with, as long they know what's going on.

To keep the customers in the dark and randomly restart servers with no warning or information of how long they are going to be down for is as I said previously, unacceptable.
In SWG there were server restarts but 99.9% of the time there was a "server shutting in 15min" message, and generally happened when expected.

There was the occational complete blackout/loss of server for a day or two, and they said "why dont we get free days because of this, like WoW?"

Once a battle on Tatooine involved so many players that tatooine crashed, and when it didnt crash the whole planet would grind to a crawl.
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