Blockbuster to focus on Blu-ray

thought theyve done or are doing the same here too

well thats what someone who works for them said in the hifi and cinema forum a few times
andy said:
thought theyve done or are doing the same here too

well thats what someone who works for them said in the hifi and cinema forum a few times

sorry i dont understand your reply?

EDIT: whoops just re-read my post. "at its US stores" lol.
doh! @ me :(
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movingtables said:
sorry i dont understand your reply?

Someone who works for Blockbuster stated that Blockbuster UK is doing in the same thing. It was stated in the home and cinema category of this forum.
Simple laws of supply and demand. There is obviously a greater demand for BluRay and so Blockbuster are meeting that with supply.

Either that or they have some collusion with Sony.
Lysander said:
Can normal DVD players play Blu-Ray?
Nope, but blue-ray players can play normal dvd's and i'm pretty sure someone has now done a player that can play HD and Blue ray but it still costs to much.

In my local blockbusters I can't even find the HD-DVD rentals but they have have large amount of BR, in HMV the Blueray section occupies about 3/4 of the HD releases.

Supply and demand I guess.
You would have thought competition would have forced prices down a bit, but this doesn't seem to have happened. If they have agreed on any kind of collusion, it's only a matter of time before someone breaks it and charges lower prices. At present, the prices are ridiculous.

Not helping movie piracy either. It is ridiculously easy to download full HD films illegally and with broadband speeds increasing and the indolent attitude of the police towards online crime, this sort of activity is only going to get more prevalent.
Ugh this is a right pain. This means that we're all going to have to fork out for Blu-Ray drives and players in the future. What's wrong with DVDs? They seem fine to me.
DVDs look absolutely dreadful on larger TVs. Also, those used to HD will notice it even more. I find it really annoying when football matches aren't broadcast in HD because they seem horribly blurry. Obviously they don't to most people, but when you're used to HD, SD seems dreadful.

I wouldn't worry though, DVDs will continue to dominate for a long time yet.
It's just that I don't want a large TV and never have done, so I have to migrate over to Blu-Ray because I'm being forced to. Nothing I can do about it, just another expense.
You won't have to for a long, long time. As I said, DVDs will continue to dominate the market. By the time you are forced to upgrade, the HD players will be significantly cheaper. Think about it, Currys only stopped selling tape cassettes last year and they died a long time ago.
Lysander said:
Ugh this is a right pain. This means that we're all going to have to fork out for Blu-Ray drives and players in the future. What's wrong with DVDs? They seem fine to me.
Blu Ray will not replace standard DVD for a very long time.

Any success Blu Ray has is miniscule compared to standard DVD.
I must admit at first I wasn't impressed with Sky HD, but apparently Sky do something to the movies which means they are not broadcast in true HD. Football on the other hand is jaw dropping, and shows filmed with dedicated HD cameras (Lost, 24 etc) also look stunning. The Planet Earth programmed on BBC HD is also absolutely breath taking.
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