Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

Played for a bit, this game is really good oldschool fun. The atmosphere, artstyle, exploration, music, enemy design etc. are spot-on classic Castlevania. Lots of weapons, items, upgrades and stuff.

It's a very pretty looking sidescroller RPG, haven't played anything like that since quite some time.
I'm around 68% castle map and got the worst ending by exploring but I unlocked Boss Rush thanks to that so I can farm 16-bit coins:p There's so much to farm and complete still.
97% castle completion with around 27h on my save but I've only learned less than a half of the techniques and haven't completed all the requests. Now farming for all the stuff I want to get to start NG+ ridiculously stacked:D

I wonder when the DLCs will drop.
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