Blu-ray Player.. That'll be $1500 please

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2003
Panasonic slates ~$1500 Blu-ray player for September

New York (NY) - Confirming suspicions that Panasonic would not have Blu-ray players available prior to summer, the company announced today that it plans to ship its DMP-BD10 player in September, promising to keep its shelf price at "less than $1,500."
Panasonic is timing its release in sync with that of its 58-inch plasma screen HDTV, whose price is not yet revealed.
They will be under £100 in a years time :p
Berserker said:
I've still got a 20MB (yup, megabytes) hard disk. Worked last time I turned it off (circa 1994). What are the odds it'd spin up now if I tried to power it on? I'd love to give it a whirl (along with the PC it's in), but I'm somewhat scared of it doing something very nasty to my house. :(
Probably give you a headache from the noise, compared to a modern HD :)
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