Blue Beetle

It was the same with mine. The movie itself was alright nothing to write home about but some really cringing parts and ultimate cheese. Same director as Cobra Kai and it's shows. Overall 6/10 for me.
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8.5/10 for me. Loved it, felt like a latin superman. Went in expecting to be bored given the average reviews but very pleasantly surprised.
Thought it was a load of rubbish, and could not get my head around his dad being genius
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Saw this last night. In a word: disappointing.

Was like a mix up of Ironman/Venom but no where as good as either. I also thought this was the start of James Gunns new DCCU reboot and kept thinking this is a terrible start to a whole new universe. Pleased to find out its not cos I love what James Gunn has done previously with Guardians/Suicide Squad/Peacemaker and can still look forward to his new Universe.

The suit reminded me of the yellow jacket from Ant-Man and could apparently make any weapon he could think of (in the trailer) and what does he think of: a sword...well done, very original and imaginative.

The uncle being a genius and knowing instantly how to hack into a super computer/fly a spaceship was also very annoying.

Don't bother going to see this at the cinema but if you do, there are 2 post credit scenes. Don't bother with the last one.
8.5/10 for me. Loved it, felt like a latin superman. Went in expecting to be bored given the average reviews but very pleasantly surprised.

Would like to see it.
I don't like Marvel much but I really like DC stuff. Not sure why.

Our odeon is doing 5 pound a ticket and free parking. Probably will just go.
Not bad as a kids film but that's all it is. Felt like it was best suited to someone who was 10-12
Wouldn't recommend it to anyone who wasn't taking a child with them.
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Not bad as a kids film but that's all it is. Felt like it was best suited to someone who was 10-12
Wouldn't recommend it to anyone who wasn't taking a child with them.
Mainly this. Felt like a kids superhero film more than anything else. The Latin setting and jokes were funny but the rest of it was just aimed at a younger audience. Guillermo from what we do in the shadows steals every scene he is in (as he does in every movie!).

6/10 probably the lowest I've given a superhero movie for a long time but I doubt you could pay me to watch this a second time.

Seemed a typical DC film, showed promise but lacked the final polish to turn it into a great movie. Was an ok film but definitely aimed more towards being a kids film. 5/10.
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