You may or may not have heard of this. Big Mess Of Wires is a fully functional 8 bit CPU that was made by hand, manually wrapping each wire around the pins. Quite amazing really, when you consider how much planning and man hours must have gone into this.
Official Website:
Sound demo:
I would definitely think about doing something like this. Just for the hell of it. I wonder if you could alter GEOS to run on it... anyway, discuss.
Official Website:
Sound demo:
- Current clock speed is 2MHz. It could theoretically go to about 3MHz (untested).
- 512 KBytes of RAM, 512 KBytes of ROM.
- Power draw is 10 Watts, 2.0A at 5V.
- VGA video output is 512×480 with two colors, or 128×240 with 256 colors.
- Audio and music is provided by a three-voice programmable sound generator.
- Keyboard input is a standard PC keyboard with PS/2 connector.
- Debug display is a 24×2 character text LCD.
- There are roughly 1250 wires connecting the components, so 2500 individual hand-turned wire wraps.
I would definitely think about doing something like this. Just for the hell of it. I wonder if you could alter GEOS to run on it... anyway, discuss.
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