Book PC!

30 Jan 2006
was thinking last night and came up with an idea of making a book style small form pc, disguise it in a book shelf :) anyone heard of anything like this being tried before?
yeah. Someone made a sff pc then glued some book splines on the side to hide it on their shelf. I'm sure someone will link.

EDIT2: You'll have to google it. It's not what you get for 'bookshelf pc'
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thanks, no mention of cpu used, what do you think would be best for a media style pc that could be run passively
he doesnt mention the cpu used because its a mimi-itx board. they have the cpu integrated into the board. the nehemiah mini-itx boards are reasonably powerful, i had one a while ago before my shuttles, and now my sis has one to do work on etc. should work reasonably well as a HTPC as it also has a hardware mpeg 2 decoder on it. also works with a zalman passive NB cooler on the cpu instead of the tiny heatsink and fan you get with it, so it can be run passivly without problems

it MAY struggle with some really high quality DiVX stuff etc, but only very high quality.

also dude, that link is a competitor. they sell PC bits so better edit it out
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