Booking mod 2

I'm not entirely sure where the problem is stemming from. Bike is still at my mates house so when I get it back to mine I'll investigate further. It is loud at the moment, it has got a race pipe on it too but when the problem is fixed it will be loud but not too loud... I hope. :p
Well I've been on it for 2 days. It is insane! Still a bit loud but that will be fixed soon. Exhaust doesn't get very hot meaning the blowing is definitely evident. Rides like a dream though, loads of popping on deceleration though, I imagine due to the exhaust problem.
Aye I've been looking around. My Dad seems to know it better than me though. It seems as if it maybe in the front engine casing as opposed to the down pipe. Either way, should be fixable, and thankfully, parts seem abundant for it. :)


The bike. 2000 S model. Suspension is back to normal now, it looks ridiculous like that haha. Had her up to 70 but started getting pretty shakey speed wobble at the front, it's either the skinny tires or I'm just not used to it, it was quite windy mind you. Going to take a look at the exhaust on Friday, stayed off it today due to horrendous rain all day, do miss being on it though. :(
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