BootChart Whats your Boot time ???

14 Jun 2004
Might be of interest to some, found it wise looking for some info

We had a thread started on boot times in the upcomming release of Fedora Core 5. So I decided to create a new thead on how to install Bootchart and generate your own bootchart.

If you have issues installing the bootchart software PLEASE create a thread labeled unable to install Bootchart. or if one exists post your comments there.

Step 1 Obtain the software

To start create a folder in your home folder named bchart Next download the bootchart-0.9.tar.bz2 from BootChart Download If you would like to try to build the rpm then go ahead but it requires a bunch of useless packages most users will not need ( unless you develop in java)
Save the download to your bchart folder. If firefox saves the files to your desktop open your home folder in Nautilus or what file browser you use and drag the download to the bchart folder
apt-get install bootchart .... We no longer build software these days ;)

Here's mine

Out of curiosity ... how much faster is e4rat over ureadahead ?

To be honest I have no real experience with ureadahead, e4rat shaved a good few seconds from grub->desktop for me though, although my largest gains came from systemd. On a mechanical drive that is, e4rat is almost useless for a ssd.
On a mechanical drive that is, e4rat is almost useless for a ssd.

Yep that's what I've gathered, thanks for the heads up nonetheless nice to learn something new. I'll probably give e4rat a shot on mechanical systems

TBH This is the first time I've tried an SSD on linux, on windows it does wonders but for a decent optimised linux desktop it really isn't worth it. :(

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