Booya! Dell Axim x51v :D



4 Aug 2005
Just bought myself a nice little Axim x51V for the steal of a price of 275EURO. With a 1gb card.

Unfortunatly im a complete noob, but i had to have it (yea for gadget geekness).

So anyone help with some things?

What i want (and know this thing can do) to do. If someone could point me in the direction of some help for these things.

1. Control my tv?

2. Convert some music and movies to play on it?

3. Theres no chance any of these games work on it? Leisure suit larry, Command and Conquer, Warcraft II or any of the early Monkey Island series.

4. Is there a free daily planner available? Instead of using the calender as its pretty fiddly for making a 'routine'
First up, remote controling your TV, easily done with all software I've encountered being able to 'learn' commands by pointing your original remote at it and pressing the selected button.

Recommended software: TVremote from HelpStudio Software House

As for music and movies, the best player I've found for playing is TCMP (The Core Media Player) just google it, supports all media I've thrown at it so far. As for converting films to play on there:

Recommended Software: Pocket DVD Wizard from The Coding Workshop Limited.

As for your games I haven't seen any of those titles about, but that doesn't mean to say there not avaible...Just look around..

Free daily planer? I've not seen a free one but theres a good planer from SPB (Make A lot of good software)

Hope that helps...
Poolybit said:
First up, remote controling your TV, easily done with all software I've encountered being able to 'learn' commands by pointing your original remote at it and pressing the selected button.

Recommended software: TVremote from HelpStudio Software House

As for music and movies, the best player I've found for playing is TCMP (The Core Media Player) just google it, supports all media I've thrown at it so far. As for converting films to play on there:

Recommended Software: Pocket DVD Wizard from The Coding Workshop Limited.

As for your games I haven't seen any of those titles about, but that doesn't mean to say there not avaible...Just look around..

Free daily planer? I've not seen a free one but theres a good planer from SPB (Make A lot of good software)

Hope that helps...
Many thanks. Kinda sucks that you have to buy the thing and then all the programmes:(
I know it makes sense...but it stills sucks:(
Indeed. Though to be honest my PDA has become part of me since I got it, I use it for everything. Pretty useful little gadgets..

Hope you enjoy it :D
Poolybit said:
Indeed. Though to be honest my PDA has become part of me since I got it, I use it for everything. Pretty useful little gadgets..

Hope you enjoy it :D
Do you a screen protector?
Iv been thinking about getting some, but i'll probably end up just not using them
I was going to buy them but then I decided that it wasn't worth it. Though it would be a good plan if your likely to scratch it. I keep it in a case so I don't have too many problems.
Poolybit said:
I was going to buy them but then I decided that it wasn't worth it. Though it would be a good plan if your likely to scratch it. I keep it in a case so I don't have too many problems.
I wont bother then. Its not like im gonna be using a nail as a stylus.
Exactly, the stylus are designed to NOT to scratch it...

Though I've heard it say that screen protectors also make the screen worse, they block 'radiation' which causes the screen to go fuzzy when the protectors on.
Poolybit said:
Exactly, the stylus are designed to NOT to scratch it...

Though I've heard it say that screen protectors also make the screen worse, they block 'radiation' which causes the screen to go fuzzy when the protectors on.
And id never get the things on without trapping one little piece of dust that would drive me insane :D .
Mr Mister said:
ahahahahahahaha, are you nuts?? You shouldnt be telling people you want to play those type of games :p
Man that game was one of the first games i ever played. If not the first. I even remember answering the questions to verify i was 18. I think i was 8 at the time.
Energize said:
Id probably agree. Im using the supplied internet explorer, full screen landscape view and it works a treat.
I couldnt imagine anything else cluttering the screen in things like opera or firefox.
iwrox said:
Did you buy it new? and if so where from :) Mail in trust :p
Nope sorry second hand.
Still has a couple months warrenty on it. Looks new, couldnt tell the difference.Its totally mint.
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