Borderlands 3

24 Jul 2006
Anyone looking forward to this? Kinda been known to been worked on for about a year now and yesterday Gearbox decided to show a Tech demo not called borderlands 3 :rolleyes:

I for one am glad they are using the UE engine should sort out the horrible Physx issues they have on the current engine with new hardware.

And it looks stunning.
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I really liked the Physx on BL2...

Anyway. I didn't bother with the 3rd installment. I will pick this one up for sure as fancy some more Borderlands.

Looks great.
Sweet! I didn't know about this. Will definitely check it out. I must have spent a serious amount of time in BL2 - what a wonderful game.
Like most people, enjoyed playing through BL2 but skipped the space one, had no interest in that one.

Thanks to the Mod who renamed the thread :)
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BL2 one of the best games I've ever played. Really funny in certain moment too. Tried to get into the pre-sequel several times but couldn't. Hopefully this doesn't disappoint.
Let's hope the aiming isn't arse, struggled with it's sluggishness so had to use a gamepad.
BL2 > BL1 > BL TPS indeed, but the third is still worth a play, Athena and Claptrap are fun characters to use.
Anyone looking forward to this? Kinda been known to been worked on for about a year now and yesterday Gearbox decided to show a Tech demo not called borderlands 3 :rolleyes:

I for one am glad they are using the UE engine should sort out the horrible Physx issues they have on the current engine with new hardware.

And it looks stunning.

Erm the other Borderlands games used UE3 you know
Really looking forward to this. I've put a silly amount of hours into the 3 borderlands games, Borderlands 2 having the highest amount of hours than any other game in my collection:

Borderlands - 133 hours
Borderlands 2 - 222 hours
The pre-sequel - 81 hours - I actually burned out near the end of this after playing all 4 games consecutively and never did finish this one.
I enjoyed BL1 much more than BL2, mainly because Phasewalk was a ton of fun to use.

BL2 powers were all pretty boring in comparison - and I was hoping each character might have access to more than one power. I hope in BL3 they can have more than one power to make things more interesting.
The low gravity and butt smashing was pretty cool in the pre sequel. Other than that it was a bit rubbish and the over the top Aussy accents were grating after a while.

Looking forward to the third instalment, but I doubt it will be for a while yet.
Flippin' hope this is the announcement for Borderlands 3 and not just the Borderlands 1 GotY coming to PS4/Xbone.
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