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Well the electron microscope is amazing for looking at things under an incredibly high magnification/resolution, but how are you going to write OCUK? :p

Haven't quite figured that out just yet, I'll see what I can come up with by the morning. (Don't expect anything though!)

Edit - Mini pen!
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Same here, some of those pics are amazing.

Also, :eek: @ the 4th picture from the bottom:

This image is of a schistosome parasite. It enters the body through the skin of persons coming in contact with infested waters. The adult worm lives in the veins of its host. The parasite is magnified x256 in this photograph. (National Cancer Institute / Bruce Wetzel, Harry Schaefer) #
Awesome pictures there, thanks!

I'm now trying to think of ways to actually write OcUK small enough to show up on the electron microscope :D.
I thought my photo of a compound eye was good.


This is just insane.


Photo Number 19
Under high magnification of 5653x, this scanning electron micrograph depicts the surface of an unidentified insect's compound eye, revealing photoreceptor cells, support cells and pigment cells that make up the repeating hexagonally-shaped units of a compund eye known as "ommatidia". (CDC/Janice Carr) #


Seem to have gone off topic a little.. lol.
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funny you should bring that eye picture up. using Reading uni's SEM i found a very similar looking eye, but some of its photoreceptor cells were missing

its absolutely extraordinary, but the missing cells look very much like the letters OcUK, and clearly havent been photoshopped atall :D

just had a great thought. whats the biggest object we can make? constellations. so i figured i'd make one myself:


its not officially recognised, but im sure the folks at nasa will see that my constellation is worthy of being made official :p

i can haz prize naow?
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