Titanfall 2 is brilliant, I am replaying it now.
Rainbow six , was avoiding it like the plague and got it 2 months ago and am addicted.I was just about to post a similar thread about wanting a decent single player experience. I was thinking along the lines of Kingdom come or maybe yakuza?
Before anyone says prey I recently bought it and feel absolutely robbed. One of the worse games I've ever played. Funny how a lot of people will rave about something yet you hate it lol.
Any other ideas guys?
I'm bored, and I need a good PC game to play to get me back into things.
I like strategy, RPG, MMOs, FPS and competitive games. If I could find an excellent single player RPG that will suck me in that would be perfect as I feel like I need to lose myself in something for a while.
Thank you mate. I've just re-seen Far Cry 5 does anyone recommend?
I like strategy, RPG, MMOs, FPS and competitive games. If I could find an excellent single player RPG that will suck me in that would be perfect as I feel like I need to lose myself in something for a while.