Bored - need a good game to play on the PC


What he said, if you like online fps games insurgency sandstorm is a must buy! its one of the few modern shooters that actually takes skill to be any good, my fave fps on pc with rising storm Vietnam a close second
I really wanted to like Titanfall 2 but I just couldn't get my head around all that running sideways along walls and bouncing around in an unnatural way.

Just way too frantic. Reminded me of Quake 3 in some respects. That was the end for me. Never played a multiplayer game since.

Guess I'm just too old.

These days my time is spent hiding in a bush in the pouring rain waiting for something to appear. So I can shoot it.

The Hunter Call of the Wild.

It's sort of, relaxing.
I was just about to post a similar thread about wanting a decent single player experience. I was thinking along the lines of Kingdom come or maybe yakuza?

Before anyone says prey I recently bought it and feel absolutely robbed. One of the worse games I've ever played. Funny how a lot of people will rave about something yet you hate it lol.

Any other ideas guys?
I was just about to post a similar thread about wanting a decent single player experience. I was thinking along the lines of Kingdom come or maybe yakuza?

Before anyone says prey I recently bought it and feel absolutely robbed. One of the worse games I've ever played. Funny how a lot of people will rave about something yet you hate it lol.

Any other ideas guys?
Rainbow six , was avoiding it like the plague and got it 2 months ago and am addicted.
Kingdom come is excellent, and one of the best games i've played for being immersive and realistic.
I'm bored, and I need a good PC game to play to get me back into things.

I like strategy, RPG, MMOs, FPS and competitive games. If I could find an excellent single player RPG that will suck me in that would be perfect as I feel like I need to lose myself in something for a while.

Honestly, give Subnautica a go. The experience alone is so worth it, and it will suck you in if you let it. It’s one of the best games that I’ve played in recent years, and certainly blows away many AAA titles released recently.
Same taste as yourself, consider the following assuming you’ve done the Bethesda games

Far Cry 5
Two Point Hospital!

ETA FC5 is worth 20 hours or so. Cut scenes can be annoying but it’s a nice good looking world to get sucked into. Wildlands has better graphics and is a bit more grown up but basically the same game. Don’t bother with the DLC for either. If you just want a crack hit and to waste hours if you like FPS then Battlefield V is my go to play at the moment.

I did the same with farcry 5, played over half and then never went back.
Two point hospital is fun for a whirl.
Wildlands for me is a pile of poo but it may float your boat.
Just get resident evil 2 :)
Assassins Creed Odyssey. One of the best games I've played in ages. 53 hours of brilliant gameplay and I'm only 49% completed.
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