BOTW Weekly Results Round A - America/s

Dagnammit. Took a pic on Friday and then didn't post it. Would have been a scoring one too :(


Next time (maybe)!
Bah, who buys beer in tins.

I do - and apparently so do many others :D

My entry this week "Bengali" is only available from JD Wetherspoons and it's one of the best beers I ever had and definitely one I'd recommend you try. Well done everyone who entered, it's good to see so many getting full marks and surprising to see Jesters played so early on. My next two entries are incoming (after I've resized them) :p
Cheers dj!

My beer was the most MEH thing ever and my local beardy beer shop has sold out of the stuff :eek:

Wish I had thought of the joker for this round, next couple are going to be harder to play it for full points...
Drank my A tonight, was very nice! Not sure where the "very pale" came from as it tasted and looked much cloudier than a usual.

surprising to see Jesters played so early on

Whys? There's no luck involved and with England being reverse this was maybe the most saturated round, apart from maybe Christmas (B). Plus I wanted to top the board :p.
Sweet the risk paid off, I didn't leave myself much time to go and hunt down something unique. I worked on the principle that everyone would be so busy drinking unique beer that the mass market stuff would go untouched.
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