Bought CSS off steam

16 Nov 2006
Currently downloading CSS from steam, and have a couple of questions.

1. How do i activate the game? (it says i will need a CD key which i dont seem to have yet)

2. Is there anyway of backing up the game onto DVD?

3. Final Question. What mods if any should i be looking for to download?

Thanks :)
Bunyan said:
3. A good modification site i found if your looking for skins, for your weapons players even tatoos i found FPS bananna to be a great site, there is no sign up required either. But if you looking for map modifications there is a ton of servers on steam when you run the game surfing maps, zombie maps etc which will download automatically when you join the server. And then if u wan tto get some practice in and not play online you can click create server and play with some bots on that map you just downloaded

I think it will be a good idea for me to get some bot killing practice in before i join a real server :)

Thanks again for the heads up on the mods :)
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