Bought new HDD, what do I need to backup off my old one for Windows reinstall?

28 Aug 2006
I've ordered a 320gb Seagate 7200.10 drive which will be replacing an old 80gb Western Digital Caviar IDE as my boot drive, what do I need to backup on my current installation to ensure a smooth reinstall on my new setup? Thanks in advance. :)
wesley said:
no need to reinstall

acronis trueimage or ghost will transfer everything to new hard drive :)

Thanks, but really looking to reinstall, got so much ***p on currently that it's got to be a good idea! If it's gonna be too awkward to backup and start afresh, will give one of those utilities a go, cheers.
Then the answer is a bit like answering the length of a piece of string - whatever you want to keep.

If you're worried about losing data from programs then you will have to be rather meticulous. Copying you user folder (from documents and settings) will get most things but many games and other programs keep their data in other areas.

If you have a specific question I'd be happy to help :)
I'd like to keep my emails/contacts/profiles from Thunderbird, my favourites/profiles from Firefox, My Documents (obviously!), anything else that would be handy! :p
Everything you mention is contained in your user folder, just be sure to copy it across.

The harder part is reintegrating the data in the new install. When the time comes, if you have any difficulties I would be happy to assist as will the hordes of others on the boards looking to increase their number of posts ;)
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