Bought new SSD, uninstall windows?

15 Nov 2008
I treated myself to a shiny new 160Gb Intel M25 G2 and windows7, just gonna leave it for a month til i get the new w7 before installing, when I have it and have w7 installed this will be my primary boot drive, obviously. Just wondering though, the drives I currently have which have a combination of vista/apps and storage on, is there a way to uninstall the old windows without wiping the stored data? IE not doing a format, I know uninstalling the apps is easy, just not sure how to go about deleting vista? or should I just leave it on there?
Im happy uninstalling all apps/games and reinstalling them on SSD with w7, thats why I got 160Gb, Im just meaning for my music/movies etc that are on the drive atm, Id like to keep, is there anyway to uninstall vista from the drive? Or do I just have to as you say back them up then format the drive?
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