Bought Wow

Haly said:
What server are you on? :)
Kul Tiras, although thats not necessarily the one I will be sticking on. Just one it randomly picked and it's OK until I decide what else to do.
Muban said:
Kul Tiras, although thats not necessarily the one I will be sticking on. Just one it randomly picked and it's OK until I decide what else to do.
Pity, I'm on 3 different servers atm so was hoping it'd be one of those :)
Main server I'm on is Balnazaar, but also on Silvermoon and Dunemaul.
Neolink said:
i thought you had quit :eek:
Partially right :)
I quit between August last year till about 2 weeks ago :p
Then writing about it in my dissertation made me miss it and I had slightly more money so I resubbed :o
Haly said:
Partially right :)
I quit between August last year till about 2 weeks ago :p
Then writing about it in my dissertation made me miss it and I had slightly more money so I resubbed :o

What subject would allow you to write about wow in your dissertation??!!
Got a little question here...

If you wanted to could just wander about and explore to your hearts content before fighting etc? i'm thinking of getting the game and that would be a big draw.
Haly said:
Media Studies......that's its only redeeming feature in 3 years of the blasted course though :p
Slight plug but explains the actual dissertation title if you care. :)
Ah right interesting, i'd say being unable to distinguish between reality and fiction was somewhere along the lines of madness lol. I was very interested in the works of Foucault when i was at uni, his work on identity is pretty detailed and rewarding. i wrote some stuff about the history of madness and containment of madness, history of lunatic asylums etc. Which is one of the subjects he was pretty heavily concerned with. Playing bf2 for the last 8 months or so reminded me of it tbh :p
But seriously i guess perhaps for most online identities are realisations of parts of us which may lay unknown or latent and can only be realised in the relative freedom of a digital world. How this would affect or interact with our 'real' lives is something certainly worthy of consideration.
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kdd said:
Ah right interesting, i'd say being unable to distinguish between reality and fiction was somewhere along the lines of madness lol. I was very interested in the works of Foucault when i was at uni, his work on identity is pretty detailed and rewarding. i wrote some stuff about the history of madness and containment of madness, history of lunatic asylums etc. Which is one of the subjects he was pretty heavily concerned with. Playing bf2 for the last 8 months or so reminded me of it tbh :p
But seriously i guess perhaps for most online identities are realisations of parts of us which may lay unknown or latent and can only be realised in the relative freedom of a digital world. How this would affect or interact with our 'real' lives is something certainly worthy of consideration.
Glad someone's interested at least :D I find it very interesting but I would really otherwise I wouldn't have chosen it. :)
horde or alliance on balnazzar haly? moved my priest over there a long time ago but i still have a lot of friends on there. A lot of people moved from al'akir to there including 70% of my old guild.

Zacko, you can wander a bit but after a while you'll find yourself being attacked by the larger hostile creatures. Of course you could always explore your allied cities.
Anim said:
horde or alliance on balnazzar haly? moved my priest over there a long time ago but i still have a lot of friends on there. A lot of people moved from al'akir to there including 70% of my old guild.
Horde, got a level 20 Tauren warrior called Moot on there :) Taking it fairly slowly with exping but got a mate who's 26 and wants someone to duo with.
Other than that I know absolutely no one on the server.

BTW thanks for the comment about WoW, you're pretty much right there imo especially when it comes to how WoW got to be so big, but I do know I have a rose tinted memory of EQ1 :o
My tip - if you are going to pick an alliance mage or priest, don't roll a character with a ponytail. It will clip through the headgear you get at higher levels and look really silly :p
I'm just reinstalling World of Warcraft now. I haven't played since the Summer after going to uni but I'm back for the easter and I quite fancy giving it another go. I know some peeps mentioned some mods to add earlier on. Any others you can think of? or any tips?

I left it on a level 16 night elf priest

Edit: My little bro is a level 60 tho.......... great
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I've reinstalled WoW for the new servers coming next week and typically the account management pages are having problems just now. :(

Might look at a Gnome Rogue or Dwarf Priest as my next attempt at liking this game. My previous favourite was an Undead Warlock.
Haly if you need a lil gold or anything to make life a bit easier on balnazzar just gimme a shout, that or theres some of the harlequin lot who i could get to help you out if need be. Tempted to reactive my priest on there to have a play around with the new talent spec for pvp. Hmmmm maybe.
Drukk said:
My character is on Venture Co. , a lvl 60 rogue called Druka! Did you copy my idea for a name? ;)

I also modified it when I registered on these forums to ask about flat screen displays as i could n't think of anything else. (well, it was late :p )

If your thinking of just starting out on this server and want to do the end game content with a good guild then I would recommend either mage, warlock, druid or priest. These are in short supply. Dont roll a rogue or shaman. Loads of those about.

you alliance or horde and no i didnt copy the name i always get my wow names of a name generator im lazy :p
Anim said:
Haly if you need a lil gold or anything to make life a bit easier on balnazzar just gimme a shout, that or theres some of the harlequin lot who i could get to help you out if need be. Tempted to reactive my priest on there to have a play around with the new talent spec for pvp. Hmmmm maybe.
Thanks for the offer. :)
I made level 10 this morning, should be able to move on a bit now does anyone think?
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