bouquet of flowers for GF - what flowers?

Any colour roses actually except black.

I love the black (dark, dark red) roses. Would be quite happy with some of those!

I'm not a fan of carnations but they seem to last a lot longer than most flowers. Can they not do mixed boquets if you don't want to just get roses?
Just put one black rose in there, say that's the part of you which will appear if she cheats on you then walk away.
Nonono, don't go through Interflora, they're hugely overpriced!!

Use or whatever to find a florist local to her, ring them up and ask them for your bouquet directly.

Quirky flowers are often good, and a florist (unless it's Mother's Day or something) usually is happy to put together something nice for you with the most minimal requirements...

E.g. some time ago to thank a family for letting me stay - I rang up, said I had £20 to spend, that I fancied having one or two sunflower heads in there, and wanted the rest to be made up of yellowy/orangey colours, with some nice big green leaves behind it.

It was wonderful, the bunch was huge, filled the sink :D

Roses are very nice but think they should be given sparingly - and when you do give them, do it either BIG or just a single red rose between the teeth ;)
I'll go against the grain and say not roses! They are pretty but incomparison to other flowers they really don't last very long at all. Also not lilies, they are very beautiful but most (not all) have quite a strong perfume. I love the look of lilies but if i have them in the house they make me feel quite sick which is a shame.

I always think a mixed bunch is really nice and will last longer and usually a good bet if you don't know what flowers she likes. Though to be fair you can't go too far wrong, what woman is ever going to complain if a guy buys her some nice flowers, no matter what type they are? Not that I've ever been given the chance to complain :o
Aye bless him the bloke had ridden home some day with a bunch of tulips that I was given on our first anniversary... The poor things were already wilting and sadly no amount of water or feeding got them to perk up!

He wasn't to know, the gesture was still appreciated :)
Don't interflora it! You'll pay through the nose, just find a local florist in her area on Google and guarantee they will deliver for much cheaper, give them a call and have a chat about what it is for and what is in season - it's their job to know and often they appreciate someone going to the effort of chatting to them instead of a faceless order over t'internet.
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