Boys with a hand down their pants, yeah, no!

16 Aug 2008
Hi I work for a big outdoor activity provider in the UK

In the last month or so I've seen many boys who are often 14+ years old that walk around with their hand or, hands down their pants.

It strikes me as defensive and funny at the same time and yesterday I really had to hold back from laughing at a guy :)
it looked like he could have been holding up his trousers while doing it

It will often be one or two boys in the group and only really groups from the London area.

I hope this doesn't become a trend, and have you seen this before?
I also work in the outdoor activity industry in the UK and France - though I work indirectly with the guests, our centre often sees an average of 50,000 guests a year and the amount of times you see lads doing this is quite shocking :/
The poor confused little urchins are just reassuring themselves of their gender. Hell, even Age Concern are at it with a new programme for pensioners to ponder their gender after 65 years. Most of the men know it only too well as they get up thrice nightly for a pee with the start of a bit of "gentleman's trouble" and the women know it because they have to be careful not to trap their boobs in their belts as the years advance. ;).
This has been going on for better part of twenty years, worst thing is they go from holding their little friend to eating, drinking, smoking or messing with their kids or special lady.
Even my lad asked me why they walk around like that i just tell him they are scared they will lose their little winkle .
This has been a trend for years - Mainly with young gents ranging from about 12 - 20 years old

I still don't understand what it's all about... Maybe it's to keep their hands warm? :p
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