Brains..Brains...Brains....Urgh......Stubbs the Zombie

Well, i finished it on medium a few minutes ago and it was pretty good fun, although i'd be annoyed if i'd paid full whack for it.

I'll probably run it through on hard later, now i know what i'm doing.
Played the demo and thought it was quite good. I like it that once you kill one person they join you as a zombie.

Although it does get very repetative and well dull tbh. And the weeing in the Dam water was just well odd.
Werewolf said:
the dam water bit made me laugh a lot more than it should have done.

I very nearly got killed a few times there from laughing at the sillyness of it all

Personally I think my favorite part is the section which ends with Stubbs making the speech in front of the american flag :D

As for quotes, I found the most amusing ones were pure coincidence
For example, Blues shouting 'Thats my favorite arm!' as I tear off a limb, then a few seconds later another guy shouting 'Thats my second favorite arm'!

think the best ones are from the Barbershop quartet though

Dooon't yooouuuu eaaaaaatttt thaaaaaat Braaaain!

when they die singing too :) pain in the ass but hilarious, and sometimes with a fabulous gun :D
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I found posessing a guy armed with a gun, taking over a tank, or even gut grenades tended to work fairly well.

Having a lot of zombie cannon fodder also helped (sit Stubbs well out of the way, with your gun guy behind the massed ranks of Zombies)

Re the babershop quartet, they were great :)
I bought this in the US back in December for about $35 - no idea why it took a further two months to bring it out here. I found it jumped from far too simplistic to gut-wrenchingly (pun intended) difficult at certain points. The best bits are clearly the anguished cries of the victims; some I had to pause the game to laugh at. But overall it was a bit hit-and-miss. The barber-shop guys are hilarious and infuriating in equal measures, and the scientist's gun that propels you halfway across the screen is absurdly annoying. I also found myself standing around all the time waiting to get my health back, or struggling to power up my 'weapons' because there was just no-one around to attack. Would have benefited from being able to find power-ups IMO.

It had all the humour and charm of No-One Lives Forever, but seemed half-finished and somewhat unpolished. Not sure I'd play it through again, unlike NOLF which I could play, ironically, forever.
my fave quote was 'arghh my penis..i mean arm!'

'how will i ever juggle again'

best bit is the gasbot pumping the car :)

worst par tof game are the vehicles, using Halo's engine they all float and hover, even when its tanks and jeeps!

Hardest parts were the swarms of marines on the streets. Good game though, quite different.
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