Brake Fluid Top Up Query

6 Mar 2024

I tried to top up brake fluid on my Mk4 Mondeo but the fluid is not getting into the main reservoir from the cylindrical section. The brake pads and discs are in good condition so wondering what is it that I am doing wrong. Want to check if I need garage help for this.

I have tried with starting the car and pumping the brake pedal but that didn't help. There are no issues with the brakes, I just happened to notice the fluid level was low.

Appreciate your help. :)


Are you sure you can see the fluid level in the main section properly? Brake fluid is hard to see, so it could be that the main section is being filled completely and you can't see it.
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Are you sure you can see the fluid level in the main section properly? Brake fluid is hard to see, so it could be that the main section is being filled completely and you can't see it.
I can see the level on the first pic where it is below minimum. Not sure if the camera angle helps it. I do remember from memory the level used to be up.
Sorry, I’m not sure what youre getting at.
Just top it up to max line, small arrow on the right hand side of the reservoir, it’s no more complicated than that.
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Sorry, I’m not sure what youre getting at.
Just top it up to max line, small arrow on the right hand side of the reservoir, it’s no more complicated than that.
Well... I tried topping the fluid up to at least have it between Max and Min levels. But on adding the recommended Brake Fluid it did not flow into the reservoir. It just stayed there in the cylindrical bit. I expected it to flow into the chamber on the right with ease.

Hence I was wondering if it is some rocket science. I wouldn't post here if it appeared to be easy. :)
Well... I tried topping the fluid up to at least have it between Max and Min levels. But on adding the recommended Brake Fluid it did not flow into the reservoir. It just stayed there in the cylindrical bit. I expected it to flow into the chamber on the right with ease.

Hence I was wondering if it is some rocket science. I wouldn't post here if it appeared to be easy. :)
Oh, I get it, you mean the white filter that sits underneath the reservoir cap?
If it’s just sitting in the filter, then there’s enough fluid in there, as the filter takes up some room.
I assume you’ve removed the filter then took the pics?
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I haven't got a Mondeo on site, but this pic is from a Fiesta (which should be similar), does this look the same as yours?


If the fluid you're trying to top up is just sitting in the filter, then there's already enough in the reservoir.
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