Braking: How many fingers?

18 Oct 2002
How many fingers do you use to brake?

In my old gloves, I always used all four, mostly because independent finger movement in thick gloves was a bit difficult. Now I'm wearing handroids, I find that I switch between using two or three, and sometimes one on occasion.

Is there a consensus on the proper technique?
i use 2 when racing. 1 if the brakes are top notch as it's better to keep a couple of fingers on the grip to stop your hand slipping off and also you won't have to lower your wrist as much when it pushes against it.

but then i haven't been the best example of how to ride a motorbike lol.
Depends, my superduke is light and has big brembos and braded lines so 2 fingers is more than enough most of the time, I use 1 when I'm not caning it.

On the other hand my lardy vfr800 needs a a massive hand full of lever to get it slowed down at all.
1 or 2 in my Handroids, usually try and squeeze all 4 on when I'm wearing my winter gloves as it's a bit awkward to move 2 fingers alone lol. Makes it even more awkward as I've got stubby ASV levers lol.
2,3, or 4 depending on gloves I think. I think it's mostly three, four if something makes me jump or I need to pull up quick. I'll check next time I ride, because I'm not actually sure...
Interesting answers.

I ask entirely because I've noticed I've moved to 2 fingers, but I suspect that with only two fingers I'm not getting maximum force out of the brakes, especially since those two fingers are nowhere near the end of the lever.

Is one of the main points of shortened levers (Pazzo etc.) to allow you to get decent leverage off only a few fingers?
Yes and I feel I get more feeling back and can brake harder with shorty's and 2 fingers.

Standard levers just had way too much travel no matter how much I re bled the brakes.

And also shorty's are good at keeping out the way when you crash, standards usually snap :p
Used to use 2 when i was two wheel's but now i'm 3 wheel's and duel brake lever's i only use 1 for front and 2 for the rear.

Dont use the rear that much though. :)
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