Brave US Police Officer Tackles Crime

AJUK said:
I wish we handled skateboarders like that over here. Bloody menace all of them. We spend god knows how many hundreds of thousands of pounds building playgrounds for thgese people yet they decide to roll around the streets making a racket and annoying people. I say good on the copper and a touch of pepper spray wouldn't have gone a miss.

What is worse are the skateboarders in their twenties - ffs grow up!

So you honestly think that pepper-spraying children is an appropriate way to stop them from "annoying people"?
AJUK said:
WHat if the child was kicking an old granny to the floor for her pension or in the middle of a mass fight with a rival 'skater' gang.One copper against at least 5 teenagers is not very good odds fo rthe police officer.

What we don't see is the reason why the skateboarder was arrested in the first place?

What? I must have missed that part of the video! :confused:

Do you have any evidence of this actually ever happening?
AJUK said:
"What we don't see is the reason she was arrested in the first place!"

So the reason she was arrested in the first place was that she had kicked an old granny to the ground and stole her pension, in the midst of a street-fight with a fierce rival skater gang.

Ok then.
AJUK said:
It is criminal how he has made millions by exploiting gullible people encouraging them to buy merchandise that is based around a childs game. ;)
You sound like a right barrel of laughs! Wonder what you do for entertainment that can't be considered as childish! :)
jdickerson said:
Pepper spray isn't like shooting someone - they get over it pretty quick you know!

EDIT - and they were perverting the course of justice, he was outnumbered so had to use reasonable force. He could've pulled out his gun - that would have been OTT, putting two people in a headlock is far far far from OTT (as it is a poop thing to do).

The effects of pepper spray seem a little variable. It's certainly not something that should be used without a VERY good reason.

EDIT - Particularly interesting...
wiki said:
The US Army concluded in a 1993 Aberdeen Proving Ground study that pepper spray could cause "Mutagenic effects, carcinogenic effects, sensitization, cardiovascular and pulmonary toxicity, neurotoxicity, as well as possible human fatalities. There is a risk in using this product on a large and varied population
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