You say RB/Seb will switch, I say, link please ?
I'm looking but not everything is uploaded. if you watched the after race commentary. Horner confirmed they would switch.
Again statistics don't matter.
You say RB/Seb will switch, I say, link please ?
Tbh, even if they say it, I will be very surprised if Vettel carries it out.
And tbalsoh, it kinda flies in the face of everything that Horner was complaining about when Ferrari did the same in Germany. Regardless of when it takes place, they will still constitute team orders and a manipulation of results.
Evidently they do since I am assuming you are using the 7 point difference between Webber and Vettel as your basis of comparison that Webber is the superior driver over the course of the season. Points are still a statistic.
What are the betting odds now on Hamilton winning the WC?
If Vettel and Webber crash, Alonso his engine blows and Hamilton wins it would be a real shocker
After searching for the safetycar rule I think that this applies to every driver apart from the car in front, at some point the car in front can dictate the pace and every other driver must be within 10 car lengths of the car in front.
I think Vettel would rather have Alonso win than to help Webber win it, if he is leading and Webber is 2nd it will be interesting to see if he suddenly overshoots a corner with 2 laps to go.
Yes, but I think the 10 car length still applies to the people behind the leader at that time.
40.11 When the clerk of the course decides it is safe to call in the safety car the message "SAFETY CAR IN THIS LAP" will be displayed on the timing monitors and the car's orange lights will be extinguished This will be the signal to the teams and drivers that it will be entering the pit lane at the end of that lap.
At this point the first car in line behind the safety car may dictate the pace and, if necessary, fall more than ten car lengths behind it.
In order to avoid the likelihood of accidents before the safety car returns to the pits, from the point at which the lights on the car are turned out drivers must proceed at a pace which involves no erratic acceleration or braking nor any other manoeuvre which is likely to endanger other drivers or impede the restart.
As the safety car is approaching the pit entry the yellow flags and SC boards will be withdrawn and, other than on the last lap of the race, replaced by waved green flags with green lights at the Line. These will be displayed until the last car crosses the Line.
I've said this before, but Webber winning the title will devalue the WDC. Webber does not belong in the same category as Senna, MSc, Mansell, Prost, Alonso, Hamilton, Alonso, etc. These drivers are all top line drivers. I would much rather Vettel or Alonso win the title as they are both top line drivers.
Webber on the other hand is getting beat in pretty much every race, e.
I depair... I really do.
sure there is but you make your own luck.
the force that causes things, especially good things, to happen to you by chance and not as a result of your own efforts or abilities
the fact you make it, means it's not luck.
In other words a random event not caused by anything. That is never ever the case.
however it's easier to use the word luck, especially when the reasons aren't known. So still a useful word.
luck noun
the force that causes things, especially good things, to happen to you by chance and not as a result of your own efforts or abilitiess
Well yes, of course it probably could be predicted.
If you knew the exact speed and angle the dice were thrown at, the precise composition of the surface it was thrown onto, and perhaps the air pressure/temperature/flow at the time, you could conceivably, after some serious mathematical calculation, work out the number it would land on.
So to say there's no such thing as luck is pretty silly.
It's not a force in the way that gravity or magnetism is a force sure, but you can't go saying "Oh it doesn't exist because it's not a tangible, measurable thing",
I dont understand what you mean by a "driving force". Are you refering to it as something similar to electricity/love/the things we cant see?