Breakaway F1 Championship: Part 9731370

Ok, so your telling me the FIA are going to drop the 1.6 Turbo regulations and bring back V10 or V12 NAs, or at the very least, stick with 2.4 NA V8's?

If you think F1 will die without Ferrari, then you will be proved very, very wrong.

No because this is all about haggling, there are obviously things being negotiated that we don't know about. They will agree on some common ground. It might not be about engine size. After all not even the teams are allowed a copy of the concorde agreement so we really don't know what they are arguing about.

They obviously want something out of it and this game continues until they get what they want. The same is true for mercedes who are threatening a breakaway.

As I say if they think F1 will be ok without them, offer them the new agreement and say deal or no deal. Of course it wouldn't die but a breakaway series with them in would be very bad for F1.

This is exactly why F1 cannot be run by the teams, they would never agree on anything.

As for porsche, you proved my point for me. Ferrari doesn't need F1 just another form of racing. Just like Porsche doesn't and has rarely ever needed F1.
But thats the point, we already know what Ferrari's main issue with the new regulations are, its the engines. They have been very open about how unhappy they are with the 1.6 turbos.
Do we know that? After all the agreement is more secret than Osamas death :D

It could be just what they are telling the press to get more money out of the agreement, a bargaining chip. Ok we will agree to the engines but we want 3% more money for example.

None of us will ever know what's really going on because we will never ever see the agreement.

Ferrari always get the most press at the time of the concorde negotiations simply because they have more weight to throw around, if they weren't the most important Duke would have started the thread with how Mercedes have threatened a breakaway. Yet no one cares anymore than they did when BMW quit or Toyota.
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