BREAKING NEWS: agw loves rovers more than he lets on

27 Nov 2004
North Beds


More to come later from today's mini manchester meet :)

Matt said:
Here we go... HDR for every image :p It's cool, but makes the car look a bit strange :(

:p yea, doesnt work in that shot too well. para asked me to get some HDRs, so i did. Works far better in this imo


Kreeeee said:
That would be a great picture if the camera wasn't at a silly angle.

lol believe me the shot wouldnt have been anywhere near as interesting straight, i only ever tilt to get more in the shot, straight wouldve given me far far too much foreground, instead of more of the lovely view ;)

ajgoodfellow said:
High Dynamic Range

It over saturates the light in the image. It's a big thing with new games too

not quite right, in photography it's the process of combining multiple exposures to create a dynamic range greater than the eye can see, which gives the photos a surreal effect :)

Andy, how many bloody times do i have to tell you :p get on MSN

benneh said:
Is there a HDR photoshop effect?. (being as this was post-production).

Ninja edit

nope, its not an effect as such, it's combining multiple exposures, for example, 3, one exposed for the really bright things, one exposed normally, and one exposed for the shadows.

The tone mapping in photomatix lets you get the best out of the images tho ;)

Matt said:
HDR is the latest phase, give it a few weeks and there'll be something new :)

You're best off with a RAW image or 3, and HDRsoft's Photomatix.

lol, ive been doing HDR to some extent for a long time, just not been doing it properly. It really suits cars though, and i only did it as it was a request of para's :p

Matt said:
Careful, you'll get like cyKey and his claims that he has been doing these things way before everyone else :p

cykey has been doing HDR to some extent far longer than the latest crazy ;) The "craze" and over use of hdr is pretty recent (1 or two months?) , ive been using HDR for over a year in one form or another ;)

and also, can we stick to commenting on the content, and not the photographic techniques used in these photos, after all this is about the MOTORS meet, and is posted in motors accordingly, not photography :p The odd comment is fine but it has taken over the thread. More pics to follow :)

gah, you took pics too andy, where the hell are yours?! and you paradigm :p AND GET ON MSN for the THIRD TIME in this thread andy :p

agw_01 said:
Sorry, I should have said...

I'm at my dads. Pictures won't be up until tomorrow... and I don't come on MSN when I'm here. :p

Anyway, you took more pics. Where are the ones showing my miniature-ness?

they came out crap (the miniture ones), and im still editing some :p gimme another 10 minutes

right guys, here are some more pics from today:

Just after paradigm arrived:

Paradigm SWEARS that the curbing wasn't his work lol

Poor wheels :[

The shot earlier in the post of andy driving is after he has just gone to get some fuel, then we headed off to the pub for some food. Cymatty left his saxo in the pub carpark and hitched a ride in the cupra R. Then up the a640 to the gravel carpark, where i was greeted by a fantastic view:


The convoy, minus the saxo that was at the pub:


Where para decided to test agw's handbrake:


then used a wall as a tripod:

Few of agw's over:



And lastly, a shot of my "new" car, that i picked up on monday :)


Overall, it was a good meet, but far too short :( weather was perfect though. Look forward to the next one guys


agw_01 said:

:) cheers for letting me come.

Also, you've just said one of the things that annoys me most, so ill have to :mad: you :p

"really nice camera"

Do you say "wow that food tasted nice, you must have really nice pans" to a chef? :p

agw_01 said:
Tom, I didn't mean any offence with that remark. I know it's possible to take awesome photos with a lesser camera (hell, even my 3mp Fuji can suprise me) but the quality of lesser cameras just can't compare with that of a decent SLR (that was my point :)

hey, dont worry man I knew you didnt mean any offense :)

agw_01 said:
Probably late July/August.

RR is at the start of July and no doubt my car will need a rest before it gets ragged again :D

Plus, if we make it August, it will have been a year since the 1st one.

Can't wait to put my fully serviced, lowered, braced, poly bushed car back around the 'track' :cool:

:D you still at your dads mate?

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