Breaking News - Togo team bus fired at

Hmm, the Sun is saying two members of the squad have died but not named, which while they didn't name the coach and press officer by name, others involved would know who they are. Saying squad makes it sound more like players, it could be two further players have died since.

Really terrible basically, if they'd spent their whole time firing on the players/staff coach it would have been so much worse because by firing on the wrong coach it gave them time to dive for a little cover, not much but some.

Anyway, hoping everyone else hurt is getting better rather than having further complications.
Is the keeper the one who was shot twice but they said was doing much better after surgery? Complications later on or a different keeper.

Its a shame that the terrorists essentially win, but it would be impossible and completely unfair for Togo to go ahead, can you imagine the fear you'd be living under for a few weeks while there after this. Hope they manage to find and punish those responsible for such a cowardly attack, does sound from latest info that they ran off afterwards and weren't all killed by the police, not sure any were.
Bellyache's already had a joke removed and in light of the subsequent deaths please don't post any more, you'll get them via text soon enough anyway.
HMm, now reports that keeper hasn't died but has been sent to South Africa for an operation, I think he's the same guy who was shot twice and came through an initial surgery well supposedly.

Definately the right call to get the out of there, you can't go through that and be ready to compete at any level 2-3 days later with several of the team still in hospital, some maybe still touch and go. As Adebayor said it would be damn hard just to get to sleep for a while let alone be well rested and ready for action. Considering many of them have family around the world where they play all desperate to see them and scared to death, and kids also, they should go home as soon and as safely as possible.
I can see it now, World Cup SA is going to be a mess.

you dont know how wrong you are. This is going to be a huge economical gain for SA so security is going to be immense. Areas will be closed to tourists and locals will be kept well away. world cup 2010 is going to go on without a hitch and you will all be proved wrong.
you dont know how wrong you are. This is going to be a huge economical gain for SA so security is going to be immense. Areas will be closed to tourists and locals will be kept well away. world cup 2010 is going to go on without a hitch and you will all be proved wrong.

I remember reading an article that said many England fans will be killed during their time over there.

Isn't it something like 50 murders a day on average?
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