After reading this article posted on a friends facebook (posted by a mother) and all the rage filled comments it got me thinking.
Although I think Nigel Farage is an insufferable buffoon I can't help but think woman shouldn't openly breastfeed in a restuarant if the owner doesn't want a woman to expose herself potentially making a proportion of the other customers uncomfortable etc. surely they should be well within their rights to do so? I know breastfeeding is perfectly natural and have no issue with it in any other setting but I can't help but feeling if I went out for a restuarant with my family. and someone started breastfeeding on the table opposite it would make me uncomfortable. (It would'nt offend me and I would never complain as in the article, just more of a musing)
I'm guessing the large male proportion on here probably means we wont get a balanced view but what are peoples views?
Although I think Nigel Farage is an insufferable buffoon I can't help but think woman shouldn't openly breastfeed in a restuarant if the owner doesn't want a woman to expose herself potentially making a proportion of the other customers uncomfortable etc. surely they should be well within their rights to do so? I know breastfeeding is perfectly natural and have no issue with it in any other setting but I can't help but feeling if I went out for a restuarant with my family. and someone started breastfeeding on the table opposite it would make me uncomfortable. (It would'nt offend me and I would never complain as in the article, just more of a musing)
I'm guessing the large male proportion on here probably means we wont get a balanced view but what are peoples views?
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