Breastfeeding in restaurants

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8 Jan 2005
After reading this article posted on a friends facebook (posted by a mother) and all the rage filled comments it got me thinking.

Although I think Nigel Farage is an insufferable buffoon I can't help but think woman shouldn't openly breastfeed in a restuarant if the owner doesn't want a woman to expose herself potentially making a proportion of the other customers uncomfortable etc. surely they should be well within their rights to do so? I know breastfeeding is perfectly natural and have no issue with it in any other setting but I can't help but feeling if I went out for a restuarant with my family. and someone started breastfeeding on the table opposite it would make me uncomfortable. (It would'nt offend me and I would never complain as in the article, just more of a musing)

I'm guessing the large male proportion on here probably means we wont get a balanced view but what are peoples views?
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Ok to put a slight twist on the question, should restuarants be able to refuse entry to babies to prevent screaming etc which might spoil the atmosphere? (not my personal view just a question)
Boobs are for breastfeeding, boobs are made of flesh, the same flesh as in arms and legs, why are boobs offensive or more offensive than any other body part?

Not offensive, highly sexualised in the modern day, whether thats wrong or right its the way it is. Why is a penis more offensive than any other piece of flesh by that logic?

again, not trying to argue a point I just think covering up is more courtesy than anything else.
Just another question to pose. What age is it acceptable to breastfeed to? and would people be comfortable with a 6/7 year old breastfeeding ? Is there even a law at what age it must be stopped? Im sure I have read things in the past about children of that age being breastfed.
It's a very weak (to say the least) argument that simply because we can synthesise breast milk, woman should "move with the times" and keep 'em away.

Breastfeeding also has extremely beneficial mental/emotional effects, which can be key in combating postpartum depression and similar issues with bonding between mother and child.

I have a feeling your sarcasm detectors may need some slight recalibration :p
Well, actually they are.

The breasts of apes are much different: miles smaller, yet still perfectly functional for nursing - you know why human breasts are bigger? They're mostly fat. Why are they mostly fat? because breasts are a sexual indicator much like the big red arse is on baboons. Humans walk standing up, so the sexual indicator has evolved to be up front, rather than around the buttocks.

Breasts are dual purpose. For sexual purposes and for child-rearing.

Good point!

Moller, AP, Soler, M and Thornhill R (1995) Breast asymmetry, sexual selection, and human reproductive success. Ethology and Sociobiology. 16 (3): 207-219

Paper on the subject around the fact that larger buttocks and breasts are sexual objects that have been selectively bred for over generations
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Look at your food then. You wouldn't normally go out for dinner and spend your time staring creepily at women around the restaurant, so why do it if they're breastfeeding?

So when you go to a restaurant you never look at anything but your plate? hmmmm....
You forget there are a lot of quasi/faux-alpha males on this forum (i.e. people that haven't grown up yet) who feel it is their duty to share their knuckle dragging opinions on something incredibly innocuous and making ridiculous strawman arguments to prove a point that isn't or doesn't need to be proven.

Of course you're entirely correct - but this wouldn't be a discussion forum if it weren't for gem postings like "it makes me physically sick seeing a mother breastfeeding her child" ;)

I do think you're totally right, but there are ridiculous arguments both for and against, I think people should be respectful both ways I don't think there is a 'right' or 'wrong' black and white answer
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