
Not trying to turn this into a Vocation Vs Brewdog but just drinking another one of Vocation's IPAs, Roll With It DDH pale ale, and whilst it's perfectly fine to drink, Brewdog's Hazy Jane is better.
I tried their Rattle and Rum stout this weekend and it was unpleasant. I'm not averse to a pastry stout but it's very thin with a very sweet vanilla and rum taste. Layer Cake was much better.
I've just tried it as well and similar experience. To be honest I don't really like any of their stouts. Hazy Jane is great though.
Went out for something to eat in a place called Eat the Bird a couple of weeks ago and had a beer called Wing Fingers. It’s was very nice.

Didn’t realise they made a song about it though lol.

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Black heart? Not sure you can call making a stout a rip off of Guinness though :p

Mrs Sk8 likes a stout and she liked it but preferred the old version called Jet Black Heart.
They've intentionally made it as close as possible as Guinness to rip off their customer base. Plenty of other stouts with other qualities but Brewdog are just looking to take over a commercial market.
They've intentionally made it as close as possible as Guinness to rip off their customer base. Plenty of other stouts with other qualities but Brewdog are just looking to take over a commercial market.

Not that we are fans, but if they do the dropped by Guinness, cold brew coffee, then they may have me and the OH buying.
Had it draught, and didn't think it tasted anything like Guinness. Not much body, and a lot more coffee. Didn't like it. This was at least a year ago I suspect, so no doubt a recipe change. It is their MO!
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Anyone here remember the early days of Brewdog? Back before they dumbed down the beers, became obsessed with expansion via naff marketing stunts and investment schemes (Equity for Punks!) and were exposed as being a nasty employer?

I recall trying some very nice Brewdog cask beers and being blown away by the original version of Punk IPA. Can't really recognise what they do these days as being the same company.
Anyone here remember the early days of Brewdog? Back before they dumbed down the beers, became obsessed with expansion via naff marketing stunts and investment schemes (Equity for Punks!) and were exposed as being a nasty employer?

I recall trying some very nice Brewdog cask beers and being blown away by the original version of Punk IPA. Can't really recognise what they do these days as being the same company.
they were decent many years ago, generally absolute dog**** beers these days
I quite like the bars. They normally have a good guest line up, and decent stuff in the fridges and the staff are almost always really nice and friendly. I can't remember the last time I actually had a BD beer in one of their bars though.
Food is also pretty good, so it's a 'know what you're getting' sort of place.
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