Brexit thread - what happens next

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29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
Just checked the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation as they'd be all over reports of racist attacks like flies on ****
Nope ;)

Does it have to be the BBC? Plenty of other news outlets have reported these incidents.

But OK, let's turn to the Beeb. You claim you checked it and found nothing. I found these:

'Welsh woman on bus shuts down racist who told Muslim passenger to "speak English"'.

'"Racist" graffiti on Polish cultural centre in Hammersmith.'

'"Go back home" - Bitter backlash post EU referendum.'

From that last article:

Former Conservative parliamentary candidate Shazia Awan worked for the Stronger In campaign in Wales. She says she noticed a number of incidents of anti-foreign sentiment.

"When the Leave campaign focussed on the issue of immigration a few weeks before the result, I could feel the difference in how people were acting," she said.

"While I was campaigning, I was speaking to a black woman. A white man walked past and called her the N word."

After the referendum result, Shazia experienced a backlash herself when she tweeted her reaction to the outcome of the vote.

"After I came from the count on Friday morning I posted a tweet about David Cameron being the least worst thing about the Conservative party.

"Then I got a reply saying I should pack my bags and go home - I was born in Caerphilly in Wales.

Clearly you didn't look very hard.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
Are you serious, or messing with me? We already employ them to do this.
There isn't going to be a World War Z style flood of people trying to get in with newly emplyed immigration soldiers fighting them back.
It's just a case of no freedom of movement untill we have a far more realistic population to resouces ratio.

Is that really to much to ask?

AFAIK we currently have 4 cutters, and I think at least 2 of them are in International waters or at least elsewhere in the world.

How are we supposed to increase patrols?
20 May 2007
Oh just checked, not actually a melt down, more like an off day. NVM

You do realise the pound is at its lowest against the USD for... well for ****** ages. 31 years if I remember correctly.

It is even lower than the lowest it hit during the 2008 financial crisis

That is not an "off day", that is a disaster for our currency and for our pockets.

It is forecast to hit 1.20 eventually because of this. Everyone has literally been made a decent bit poorer because of this.

and people wonder why people that voted remain are angry :confused:

people that voted leave have gambled horribly with everyone else's money (something they no doubt would lambast the "evil bankers" for) with absolutely no guarantee we will ever be better off.
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6 Oct 2011
Do none of the remain voters think its feasible that a Brexit (a long with more possible leave referendums across EU) will force a reform of the EU.

It wasn't exactly working or heading in a great direction was it now?

I'm young and voted leave. Partly because I truly believe it's a means to an end. If reform starts we will have a seat at that table, despite the referendum result.

Why is the only path one where the world ends with a lot of the remainers?
18 Oct 2002
I believe you could. There is only three ways on and off this island. True?
I'm not suggesting that every single one of them could be stopped but the making it very dangerous and very hard is very feasable, cutting number massively enougb for immigration control to have the rest controlled.

AFAIK we currently have 4 cutters, and I think at least 2 of them are in International waters or at least elsewhere in the world.

How are we supposed to increase patrols?

You making it sound like 330,000 people a year (close to current recorded figures without illegals) will attempt to get in trucks and bannana boats??
Shutting up shop should allow manageable numbers to level out from leavers and illegals. Why would any Polish risk their lives anyway. Maybe Syrains would for a better life, but I am talking about closing freedom of movement from the EU.
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14 Dec 2010
stop patronising me. You really don't understand what this feels like unless you have been there and experienced it. It's not pleasant and regardless of whether it is reported to the police or not brings a massive feeling of insecurity and makes people feel actually quite scared. So unless the police are going to start handing out escorts to any "foreign looking types" this is going to get a lot worse. And you know what the worst part of this is, Stevenage town centre was packed on Sunday and not one single person said anything to those people the doled out the abuse to me. So how I am supposed to not think that people are turning a blind eye to this ?

The people who you feel were turning a blind eye, may also be scared of them. Never forget that. Fear is a strange thing.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
I'm a Alpha male ;)
There is a plan but you haven't gone and read it. The leave group did a webpage on it

You linked me to a 'plan' written by a blogger, I came back and asked you what role he had within government but I don't recall seeing a response.

Isn't that roughly equivalent to well developed fan art?

Confidence isn't really confidence when it is founded on nothing.
23 Oct 2002
There won't be any damaged. Life will carry on as before and in 2020 things will be better.

As people with knowledge of the legal process have shown it will take Article 50's two years to reach a starting point for new negotiations on a treaty with the EU and then about ten years to complete said treaty. By my maths that sounds like 2028. And that is just the EU. There will be 60+ other trade treaties to negotiate with our other trading partners.
8 Mar 2007
Correction, it is called delusion, and you have succeeded in brainwashing your children, congratulations?

Gonna have to add you back to the ignore list mate, you're too daft for me to handle. I've already been banned far too many times! :eek: :p

From a man who must a crystal ball then?
20 May 2007
As people with knowledge of the legal process have shown it will take Article 50's two years to reach a starting point for new negotiations on a treaty with the EU and then about ten years to complete said treaty. By my maths that sounds like 2028. And that is just the EU. There will be 60+ other trade treaties to negotiate with our other trading partners.

China have already said it will take 10 years for a trade deal to be established after we have left.
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
AFAIK we currently have 4 cutters, and I think at least 2 of them are in International waters or at least elsewhere in the world.

How are we supposed to increase patrols?

I don't think we even have enough smaller craft of a suitable type in the Navy to supplement them without leaving our larger ships without escorts and pulling them off things like commercial shipping protection.
21 Jun 2016
I believe you could. There is only three ways on and off this island. True?
I'm not suggesting that every single one of them could be stopped but the making it very dangerous and very hard is very feasable, cutting number massively enougb for immigration control to have the rest controlled.

Its just not though

There was no money before for what you are suggesting

There is even less now
20 Oct 2004
We could and the British Government chose not to. Since Tata steel shutting down the British government announced changes to protect Britsih STeel which meant that not only there was a buyer for Tata steel, even Tata steel were having second thoughts about selling. No with Brexit thats all off again.

Now if the government had made these changes 5 years ago then Tata never would have closed it down in the first place.

However, the EU gets the blame when in fact Mr Steel Worker should be blaming the Tories for doing nothing.

Point is government didnt car for them, EU did and sent 600m a year to help but thats gone now too.

You think the government is suddenly in the upcoming recession going to care about the North East and steel workers again?

They wont see it though Greebo, despite it all being painfully true. People were told that the EU is bad, the fact that the Conservative leader chose Remain reinforced that opinion so they voted out without even considering where that left them. They literally burned the shirt off their backs and are now going cap in hand to the very government they've just been told are evil and wrong and asking for a new shirt.

The impoverished regions of the UK are in for a massive shock once the EU money dries up because they will get nothing from Westminster.
25 Jan 2009

Good read but bottom line is that 17 million people voted to leave the EU and for a multitude of different reasons. It isn't as clear cut as to say they voted the way they did due to the lies put out by the Leave camp. Nor is it valid to argue that voting Leave represented a proverbial red button of doom.

People have the right to protest against a democratic outcome but they cannot be allowed to hinder its application indefinitely.
8 Mar 2007
Given how salty remainers are all apparently experts in financial markets all of a sudden and can predict with great deals of confidence things will be terrible so long as we stay out of the EU, I'm surprised they're not all Billionaires given their Warren Buffetesque abilities to read the future.
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