Briatore ban lifted

So a race was rigged with a dangerous crash and everyone got off completely scot-free.


Everyone always says "they all cheat, just don't get caught"

Well it doesn't really matter If you get caught or not anymore. Well unless you're Honda and they didn't even rule break.

I ****ing detest Renault and everything they get away with time and time again.

Although I agree with you JRS that renault seemed to have been untouchable, you cannot blame the fia or "breaks from officialdom" for this. It's the cheese eating surrender monkeys court that have bailed them out
Although I agree with you JRS that renault seemed to have been untouchable, you cannot blame the fia or "breaks from officialdom" for this. It's the cheese eating surrender monkeys court that have bailed them out

Bernie and Briatore are good chums remember.
Bernie and Briatore are good chums remember.

Makes no difference the ruling to let them off didn't come from the FIA it came from a french court. Unless you think Bernie has sway in a french court as well?

The fia clearly wanted to nail the people at renault for this.
French court have only overturned the bans - the guilty "verdicts" still stand. Just have to change the punishment it would seem. FIA will appeal anyway.
The ban hasnt been overturned really. Just the proccess by which the FIA imposed the ban has been deemed illegal and unfair. Briatore hasnt been let off, just the way he was convicted has been questioned and overturned.

Likely the FIA will appeal and do it fairly and he will remain banned to some extent.

To be honest, I see his point. The aproach Max Mosely has taken in a lot of the cases recently seem to have been out of spite rather than built on a proper legal footing.

But then, who would want someone like that back? You would struggle to get any sponsors.
He has been caught cheating before (in Benetton days) and that counted for squat,

I know it wasnt as serious in the past (potentially putting drivers and spectators at risk) but even so, he ran a successful team so I can see him rejoining F1 in the future if he wants to
Ah well. Renault International Assistance strikes again. Not a single proper punishment for the Crashgate debacle has stuck.

And to think most of you reckon Ferrari get all the breaks from officialdom....

You're a glutton for punishment. All those complaints to stop the Ferrari International Assistance talk and you just keep bringing it up. Tough love.
I think if you roll the dice a little here you will form a picture of who 'may' have tipped off certain tabloids to the discretions of Max Gimpley...
So... You admit that you are in reality...

Max Mosley!

:eek: :eek: ;)


I think I've railed against the FIA enough in the past to rule that one out. Unless that's just what I want you to think.....*strokes white cat*
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