23 Dec 2009
RG8 9
Just seen this available for pre-order on Steam -

New SP/MP game from Bethesda Softworks and the video is looking interesting to say the least!

They have brought out what they call S.M.A.R.T, which stands for Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain. Looks like a cross between Mirrors Edge and an MP shooter. :cool:

Will be keeping a close eye on this it could be a bit epic.

Not a bad review at all -

Brink is an exceptional team shooter, smart, supremely well balanced and with a unique, exciting art style. Splash Damage struggles to ease the player into its workings – evidence, perhaps, of the studio's background creating free mods for hardcore Quake players, who never needed much hand-holding.

But the clean menus and HUD have a slickness and simplicity of interaction that elevate the squad-shooter genre to a new level of style and polish. Likewise, in moment-to-moment play, this is often a more engaging, tighter experience than Valve's Team Fortress 2. For those who can leap that first hurdle, Brink should run and run.

crap, this is not a good FPS fact

i doubt you even know what makes a good shooter do you, because if you think this is a good shooter then you have no idea at all.

this is a run and gun online team shooter, there are no tactics used/ cover system/ stealth etc, it is not a class act, it does not even look like much fun either; it looks totally bloody boring

you buy it, but i'd much rather play FEAR/ VEGAS 2 terrorist hunt.

whose talking crap ? because i think you are

Seriously, you already look foolish enough. Just be quiet. You don't like it, but you have not played it and you quote the above drivel as better.

You are coming across as either very young or very immature.
yea it's my fault and i apologise for being a ****, i need to open my own thread so that we can discuss these things there, because we have some very interesting points to discuss.

I would disguise that swear word fully or you will be taking a break. ;)

Please feel free to open another thread with whatever you want to talk about but please stop spamming this thread. It is making you no friends. I can list you plenty of FPS games you may like and not heard of, but not in this thread.
It's out in the US, VPN and it's unlocked.

Visualy on PC it's very poor, low res textures and choppy animations, off-line it feels like you're playing with lag even with 100+ fps. GFX option consists of texture, blur, ambient occlusion, shadow options and AA on or off

That is odd, as most are saying it looks very good.
I find it shocking that none of the PC reviews mention that the game is unplayable for a very large number of people with ATI cards (even with driver updates etc.). It isn't hidden information exaclty and makes the game not worth purchasing in its current state if you happen to have that make of card.

Link? I have a 5870.
having being burned by homefront I’m off PC games for a bit.

Exactly the reason why I NEVER buy games on release. Homefront was hyped, but turned out to be a lemon.

Still not bought BRINK either, though I am hearing more and more reason why I would like it. They just need to fix the ATI issue as there is no way I am getting it until it is sorted.
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