Britain Sucks ass

12 May 2005
Does anyone else think this?

We are Chav culture pioneers

Our justice system is a joke

We are PC gone mad - No christmas cards in council offices so we dont offend anyone

We have a prime minister who is more concerned with appearing 'cool' and inviting rock stars to his house, than with actually running the country.

Ambulance drivers get stopped for speeding when ferrying sick patients and vital organs

So many people are just pointless, i.e all the lazy little morons in trakkies, 'jobseekers', pregnant mums @ school, your typical council estate family living off the system.

The acid test for me is when you can go out in Europe and have a meal outside a resturant in the street and enjoy the pleasent atmosphere on a warm sunny evening, can you imagine the same in the Uk? There would be gangs of chavs, *********, louts, people shouting and spitting, throwing bottles, being sick, and police sirens accompanying all this.

Plus we idolise complete and UTTER morons, like Jade goody, and the utterly repellent "posh" from the equally sickening "posh + becks" stageshow.

Finally our media is crazed, short sighted, dramatacist, hyped, and mosty full of BS.

Sigh, moan over, but sometimes it feels like the UK is a total HOLE.
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12 May 2005
I know you get violence in Germany and the Italian footie thugs, but they dont have this overwhelming subculture of burberry wearing, benefit sponging, losers.

The ignorance of your "average" young adult is shocking, and whats worse is that no one seeems to care.

People are happy to have lives dependant on their Giro day, and are narrow minded enough to not be concerned with anything other than there next packet of fags and bottle of Cider.
12 May 2005
Jet said:
You're pointless.

Why do we have to have one of these threads every 3.4 days. If you don't like it that much then leave. Leave the people who are happy in this country to themselves.

No YOUR pointless. NER NERRRR lets act like toddlers shall we?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: x 50

I am planning to leave this pityful country. Gunning for Either California or Perth in Austrailia.
12 May 2005
I know everywhere has its bad points, its just that everywhere else seems to be so much more mature, and civilised.

The %age chavscum to nice people seems to be decreasing everyday, and now these subspecies seem to almost be the accepted normality.
12 May 2005
Jet said:
Bye then.

My reply was half in jest. Clearly yours wasn't.

But he isn't going to change it, he wants to leave. I thought that was clear :confused:

He posted the same rant as is always posted, saying he is going to leave, which he won't when it comes down to it. If he asked what we could do to change the situation I may have afforded a better reply. It's just a meaningless rant which happens all too often.

The grass is always greener...

yup, BYE BYE.

When im enjoying lovely sunshine, and classy women that aren't dripping in gold and encrusted with 30Kg of makeup I wont be thinking about you shivering whilst posting in OCUK, complaining about the ludicrous house prices, and being fined for eating an apple whilst driving!

you need to relax dude. Somethings clearly got to you. Maybe you are annoyed about living in the UK ?

UK Rage is the new phenomenon.

House prices are another crazy development.

Tell an American that a decent one/two bedroom flat in London will set them back $300,000 US and they would find it hard to belive.
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12 May 2005
Skully said:
I gave up reading after ballistic started spouting more crap as usual.

Anyone who doesn't like England and isn't willing to even try and change it can get the flip out.

Go and live in your 'dream' country. You might enjoy it. Or you might not like it there too once spending 10 years there.

Britain is great and I am proud to have been born and live here.

Whats so good about it then?

You gave absolutely and utterly nothing to support your 'argument'.

12 May 2005
On the food issue we do have a repution for rubbish nosh.

Poor diet prevails as does this microwave meal culture that is almost alien to a lot of european countries.
12 May 2005
fatiain said:

Gordon Ramsay, Heston Blumenthal, Keith Floyd, Rick Stein, I could go on and on and on.

The last thing I did in the microwave was a CD.

So because YOU dont eat microwave meals im wrong?

and so what about a few celebrity chefs ? you could go on and on? Cutting a pasting chefs names from a google search aint hard.

Pretty poor tbh, you need to do better.

Maybe you need more vitamins to get rid of that *cough* you have.
12 May 2005
fatiain said:
Actually, cooking is my hobby so it's hardly a cut-and-paste job from google that I can name some chefs who are proud to do British food. :rolleyes:

Good for you. Seeing as I was a top class chef for no less than 8 years I think I know what im talking about.

But sorry, seeing as you are a keyboard expert, I shall bow to your superior knowledge.

A few "chefs" that happen to be celebrities has no bearing whatsoever on the National diet, nor the perception of food in Britain. God only knows what made you post that.

Actually California is one of the States with a growing reputation for healthy food, especially round LA. The rest of the US I cannot and would not vouch for.

Health/Diet is taken very seriously in CA.

Our "average" national diet is a disgrace.
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