So what were the answers?
I think I would have had 20/25
The answers: Basically as a rule if you get REALLY close I give you the points -- if you get KINDA close I give you .5 points
1) X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter (NOT just 'tie fighter' although TBH I think depending on my mood I gave .5 points for 'tie fighter')
2) Command and Conquer : Red Alert 2 (Specifically red alert 2. Others get .5 points)
3) Steam Achievements : Half Life 2 - Episode 2 (HL2 gets the full point)
4) Portal
5) Dungeon Keeper 2
6) Populus : The Awakening (Populous got the full point)
7) Steam Achievemnets : Left 4 Dead 2 (LfD2 got the full point)
8) Trials 2
9) Trine
10) The Movies
11) Wings of prey
12) Call of Duty : Modern Warfare
13) Half Life 2
14) Team Fortress 2
15) World in Conflict
16) Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006 (specifically 2006!! -- any other year or year not mentioned = .5 points)
17) Need for Speed : Shift
18) Minesweeper
19) Return to Castle Wolfenstein (NOT just 'Wolfenstein')
20) Napolean Total War (NOT empire total war!)
21) DIRT 1 (NOT dirt 2 although this would get you half a mark!)
22) Resident Evil 2
23) Outrun 2006 Coast 2 coast
24) Wolfenstein 3D OR DOOM both get 1 point
25) Lego Indianna Jones
If I've done any 'marking' wrong -- sorry -- apologies ..