Broken DS Hinge

3 Mar 2004
Not played my DS for a while due to th ehinge being broken and the lid flapping around whilst playing...a certain release of software has resparked my interest so am looking to fix said broken DS so i can play again.

Have watched a few vids and have sourced 3 potential ebay purchases with cracked screens to replace the shell.

Looking for some first had experience as to how fiddly a job this is, what can go wrong and generally how long it takes. I knwo i have to get one of the triscrew driver things which i will get once i have a case on its way...the gf's DS has started with the crack as well so was going to do hers, but she wont let me unless mine looks nice when im done :p
The concept of doing it is straight forward it is just very fiddly. It did take me a good 2-3 hours to do mine as i got so frustrated trying to feed the ribbon cable through the hinge but all you need is patience. Before you attempt it i would recommend purchasing a new case from deal extreme and also purchase a set of trigram screwdrivers. Then just follow a tutorial on youtube which will have it repaired in no time
yeah i have seen the ones on dealextreme

am watching a few on eBay see if i can get a broke DS for cheaper but they shoot up at last minute and generally go for more than i can get a case for :p

The ribbon bit does look fiddly, will give it ago as i have lots of new games to be playing :p
The top lid will not stay up, and just flops back, is it only the case i am going to need to replace or am i going to also need the actual hinge thing as well?
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